[IV] - Edelweiss' Secret

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Walking out from the curtain hidden door, on the chilly balcony of my room, a magnificent view of the sunset stretched before my eyes. It's mesmerizing, crimson rays were turning every leaf into a bloody rose color, and the clouds seemed like celestial bodies. The warm breeze traveled through the thin cloth of my dress, with the smell of the cut grass tingling in my nose.

Looking down from the first floor, a wide field has just been bathed in orange light. But in the space where the grass would be accompanied by the colorful flowers, there weren't any there. Cut thoroughly, I could only see a small silhouette of a person collecting all of the grass and withered stems of the plants. Wasn't this field... The one that grew the poisonous flowers? Did master... Order it to be cleaned?

I bet that the gardener Dalius was told off, for whatever reason these plants were there. But on the other hand... If nobody ever wandered into the gardens, would it really be directed to harm anybody?

I didn't notice when the man, cleaning the field, turned his head up. His scared eyes were looking straight into mine. He was taking care of the garden despite not being a gardener... Who is he? A new worker?

Before the rays of the Sun set behind the lush forest, he disappeared, going into the mansion. In my mind... I have an unknown urge to talk with the gardener. For whatever reason, he was the only one who would exchange words with me. Not seeing him all day, bustling around the hedges, was strange.

"It's getting chilly, you should head inside." — The low voice came from behind my back.

Turning my head, I saw the duke standing in the doorway, staring at the slowly fading red on my face. The crickets started to chirp, the beauty of the vast world has went to sleep.

"You've missed a beautiful sunset."

"...I have all of my life to watch other ones, even more breathtaking."

...All of your life, huh?

There was something in his words, a sudden and unknown feeling that haven't ever been inside of my heart.

Glaring once again at the cut down field, I realized that one of my life's mysteries were solved. I've gained an answer I've wanted to know.

But... What's truly next?

There are no... Goals and ambitions in my mind. An empty space with no dreams. Living every day like I have lived now... There is no point of all of this. There is nothing for me to do than just drown in my own thoughts.

"Have you calmed yourself down?" — He took off his coat, and hanged it on my shivering shoulders, covering my skin.

The black eyes of his, they suited the young night that was about to rise. With the last faint presence of the Sunlight, it was slowly fading into the long darkness. Quiet, chilly, cold, but in some way one could find calmness and answers within them.

He swore to my late husband to protect me, so can I trust him? Me being here... Is this a proof of his good heart, being hidden behind a stone face?

Can I give my life to this man, who gave an oath to take care of me? After all... He could have broken it and left me towards an unknown fate... Alone, forgotten and lost.

"...Thank you... For taking me in." — I whispered into the cold air.


His eyebrows raised up, lips slowly opening as if wanting to say something, but the courage was stuck in the suffocating abyss.

"...If I am burden, please, don't lie and make me feel unworthy. I can feel it. Tell me right now."

The pointlessness in my life was at its peak.

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