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*scene opens in the new room, somehow being darker and more lit at the same time, purogen pacing from one end of the room to the other, leaving behind a small gooey path of accidentally shed nanites*


*purogen sits down at the table, and watches the airlock open, to reveal Buckeye walking in, with an orange blob oozing in behind him*

Purogen: hello

*Buckeye sits down, and the weird orange blob jumps onto the table*

Purogen: Do I want to ask-?

Buckeye: This is SCP-999, try not to kill it, ok?

*purogen looks a bit hurt by the comment*

Purogen: So what's gonna happen now-?

*Buckeye stands up, and walks to the door*

Buckeye: Well, we are gonna watch you two interact-

*Buckeye promptly leaves, leaving purogen and scp 999 staring at eachother*

Purogen: I take it you can understand me-?

*999 oozes closer, onto the edge of the table, but dosen't jump off*

Purogen: Touching me is not a good idea-

*purogen stands up, and backs away into a corner of the room, wrapping his tail around his lower body, seeming to shield it*

Purogen: please stay away-

*999 emits a purring noise, and jumps down, approaching purogen again*

Purogen: If you touch me, your likley going to get transfurred-

*999 oozes closer, just slightly brushing up against purogen's tail*

*purogen tenses up for a moment, before stopping and looking down at 999*

Purogen: your not transfurred-?

*999 responds by purring extremely loudly and jumping onto purogen, attempting to tickle him*

Purogen: Woah- easy there fella-

*purogen slides down the wall and sits in the corner, patting 999 as it is sitting in his lap*

Purogen: it's been a long time since I have been able to touch anything biological-

*999 nuzzles and hugs itself against purogen*

Purogen: awwww, adorable-, but your attempts to tickle me are in vain, sadly-

*999 makes a somewhat saddened noise, before nuzzling again*

Purogen: Hehe, *purogen nuzzles back, mainly just rubbing 999 with his visor*


*999 stops purring, and nuzzles purogen one more time before oozing off. And heading towards the door*

Purogen: Come back some time, that was nice-

*999 purrs slightly, before leaving, the door automatically closing behind it*

Purogen: Well, at least it felt nice, kinda miss the blob now-

*video cuts*

How did I get here-? [Purogen headcanons, SCP, other]Where stories live. Discover now