The patented pandering of a protogen

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I'm back? Whoah- I'm actually alive still? Somehow? Ok. Guess I might as well continue this random scribbles I call a story.

This will be a clean chapter, don't worry.

I will also be going off the wikidot, with some "creative liberties" for storytelling / visualization purposes.

Don't get mad at me, I only write this when I have downtime at work lmao.

Anyways, here we go for the 7th script rewrite

The feed cuts in after a moment of static, showing purogen's chamber again.

The steel walls gleam in the glare of the single overhead bulb, it's sharp white light illuminating everything in the room clearly, consisting of a steel table in the middle of the room, grafted and welded to the floor, a small bed in the corner of simple white sheets and pillows, welded to the floor and walls as well.

How did I get here-? [Purogen headcanons, SCP, other]Where stories live. Discover now