first impressions

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Y/n POV:

"sorry no ubers are available at this moment" the man spoke before he hung up

"what the fuck dude"

i'm currently in the middle of nowhere, my bus dropped me off in a mystery town that was supposed to be close to where the festival is held, but there's no sign of anything.
i slouched down on a bench outside the lonely gas station, contemplating what to do

"hey there, you alright ?" a random woman spoke as she walked out the doors

"yeah i'm good, just lost" i spoke back

"you must be going to the festival" she smiled

"that's right. but i have no idea where i am or what i'm supposed to do"

"well it's about an hours drive to get there and doesn't start for a few days, do you have a place to stay?"   the woman questioned

"i was gonna camp there early"

she chuckled and shook her head

"that's silly. they'd kick you out immediately"  she laughed more


"how about you come with me? there's retreat some girls and i are staying at" 
"i promise i'm not a creep" she smiled warmly

"are you sure? i mean i don't wanna be a pain and take up any room?"

"of course, the girls would love you... i'm Cricket by the way"   the now known girl held out her hand

i shook her hand with a confused expression

"Cricket? that's your name?" i giggle

"mhm... i like to be one with nature"
"now cmon, my friends are waiting in the car"

Cricket lead me to the jeep and opened the back door for me.

"Salem, Kayla meet... what's your name?"  she questioned while buckling up

"i'm y/n, nice to meet you guys"

the two girls greeted me in unison. this didn't seem too bad, what's the worst that could happen?

after a 20 minute drive we arrived at the welcoming cottage out in the forest, it did look a little creepy but it's somewhere to stay.
we all stepped out the car and i was greeted with the smell of freshly cut grass and flowers

"let's go meet the other girls, it's nearly lunch time"  salem said, pointing the way to the garden

we walked thru the gate and there we found a dirty blonde haired girl crouched doing some gardening.

"Hey you guys are back" the girl raised her head and scanned the area

her eyes were a piercing blue and her lips were soft and plump, she was the definition of gorgeous

"we met a new friend in town, we thought it would be a good idea if she tagged along"   cricket announced

"that's wonderful... could you girls go set up the table ?"

Salem agreed and wondered indoors while Kayla and Cricket followed behind.
i didn't know what to do so i stood awkwardly waiting for something

"i'm Eva...and you are?" she said while standing up and walking closer towards me

"y/n" i answered blandly

"such a beautiful name... it suits you very well" she said while reaching her hand to play with a strand of my hair

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