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1.7m likes | 957k comments

theking: 🌞🍦I like this very much

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user: ice cream is the way to my heart

user: did they sneak off from the rest of the cast

zendaya: found them 🤭

user: 👀

       user: you know I've shipped Icarus/Peter since Civil War I can get behind Regis/Tom

       user: 🚢

lifeisaloha: gasp you had a date without me 😢

       tomholland2013: its not what you think

       theking: its exactly what you think Tom loves me

user: we all know Reggie would drop Tom in a sec if Rocky or Zendaya asked him too

       theking: tru 😜

prettysmooth: 💍

       theking: bet

       iamsebastianstan: you're too good for the brat anyway

       tomholland2013: I'm not a brat 

tomholland: Im a great catch

       hazosterfield: he's out of your league quit while you're ahead

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