22 || IRL

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Regis and Robert stand on set in front of Watts as they talk about the scene. "We left this scene open for your character interpretation. It's meant to be deeper than what you gave in Civil War. The main point is that this changes Tony's view of Icarus from someone he's reluctantly taking care of to a kid he wants to help. You know how you want to play this?"

Regis rolls his shoulders as the harness they'll build the cgi wings on is pretty heavy. "Yeah, Icarus is someone who's waiting for a reason to die. He's not suicidal, but he's willing to go when he finds it."

"Nice kid."

Regis blushes at Robert's praise.

"Alright, just make sure you hit the pre-written lines, but everything else you can improvise."

Regis and Robert get into position.

"Quiet on the set. Take Mark. Action."

Icarus sits on the lab table, his back facing Tony. They're silent as Tony recalibrates the nanotech that keeps his wings hidden.

"I knew I did it for the sun. As hot burning wax slithered Down my spine, As seductive kisses of agony Peppered my skin and muscle, I laughed. I laughed as where I saw beauty, Others saw pain. I love it you see, It was addictive and Even Dionysis would Marvel at my insanity. There is no beauty Without Pain. And now, As I wait for judgment, In the land of Hades, I ask myself, 'Was it worth the fall for the sun?' And I answer, 'Yes it was.'"

Tony shakes off the shock of hearing the passion in the typically dull-toned voice. "Sorry English class isn't until next period. What was that?"

"The poem that made me choose my name. After James found me I wanted to become someone else. Anyone other than the boy I was before. I searched everything that I could get my hands on about winged figures and there he was."

"Yeah, and you settled on Icarus because? He's literally known as the idiot who died because he didn't listen. Not a very strong or inspiring name to live up to." Tony rolled his eyes and continues to work on his holographic screens.

Icarus laughed and tilted his head back reminiscing. "Yeah, James asked me that too. You know while that is the most recognized version there are so many different interpretations. In some versions, Icarus and his father escape by boat. In others, he was Apollo's lover and faked his death so he could escape his father's overbearing control. I like to think he just knew what he wanted and was brave enough to do it."

"Not just a fool then. A fool who died in vain."

Icarus shakes his head, "He didn't die in vain though. My Icarus is a boy who knew what it was like to be caged, to have the soul of a bird unable to stretch its wings. And when the door was finally open when he heard the seagulls call, and felt the wind on his face, he knew he would fall. But he would fly first." Icarus looks over his shoulder and Tony flinches back at the look of longing and desperation in his eyes.

"Kid," Tony whispers involuntarily.

Icarus faces forward, hops off the table, and stretches his wings to their full length. "My Icarus found the beauty in pain, and the beauty in death. He knew he was falling so he dwelled in it instead of fighting it."

"And what about you? Has this Icarus found his sun?"


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