60 || IRL

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The sun is shining, there's music playing, and after waking up tangled together they're cooking breakfast together with smiles on their faces.

Regis, all sleep-ruffled, giggles as he flips another pancake. Zendaya sits on the counter beside him as she sprinkles chocolate chips and blueberries in the batter. Tom sits at the island smiling at both of them banned from helping with the cooking after burning the eggs, twice. 

"Date us," Tom blurts out. The trio freezes as they register what he just said. Tom blushes and drops his face into his hands.

"Nice going idiot."

"Hey, you're lucky I made it this long. I wanted to confess months ago."

Zendaya just throws a blueberry at him in response.


Zendaya sighs as she hops down to the floor. Then she takes the spatula from his hand and turns off the stove. "What he meant to say is that at some point our feelings of friendship turned into something more."

"You both like me?"


"You both like each other?"

Nods again.

"Oh thank god. Do you know how awkward I was going to feel when you heard all the love songs I've written about you two?"

Tom laughed and walked over to the two he'd grown so close to. "Love songs darling?"

"Yes, yes, I was a love-sick fool according to Rocky."

"The fans are going to lose their minds when they find out."

Zendaya wraps her arms around her boys, "We'll handle it when that happens. I'm willing to fight for this."

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