65|| IRL

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Tom releases a sigh of breath as he relaxes in the hotel elevator. He hated the early morning travel, but it did help him avoid most of the paparazzi.

The doors open to the top floor and he slowly makes his way to his room for the weekend. He smiles at the number remembering Reggie calling him a superstar for having a room on the top floor. Tom thought about heading to his or Z's room, but dismissed it as it was too early and he wanted to be fully awake when he reunited with his partners.

The door unlocks and he steps in ready to just collapse in bed, but to his shock and delight, their curled together on his bed are his two loves. The side table light is on as they fell asleep waiting for him.

Tom smiles and takes a picture of them before turning off the light and climbing into bed with them. All three curl up together with smiles on their faces.

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