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Regis Baumont's Marie Claire Interview Highlights

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Regis Baumont's Marie Claire Interview Highlights

What is In the Stars about?

It's about my mom. It's about how much I miss her and love her, and I'm always thinking about the lessons she taught me about life and music. I wrote it as a way to immortalize her in a way more than just memories and photos. Those fade, but music is forever.

How's working with the Spiderman Cast?

Amazing! It's so much fun, like going to hang out with your friends instead of work. This is my second film, so anytime I have a question or want to run lines they're all so helpful and kind. Honestly, they're the kind of people you keep in your life forever.

Is love in the air for you?

Currently? No. In the future? Who knows, but I hope so I mean who doesn't want to find someone to love and be loved by in return? Right now, I'm just enjoying the ride you know. Before I was so focused on work and progress and the next thing that I lost sight of what I had.

What's coming next?

More music definitely. I've been working on a couple of things since before I started filming this song is just the start. Music has always been my first love, but I'd like to keep acting. Icarus is such a moody character to play and it would be cool to try different characters with different personalities.

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