Chapter One.

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I woke up to my younger brother sitting on me

"Booger get your butt off of mee!" I slurred.

"I had to wake you up some how! Moms having a hangover again" he mumbled.
I felt so bad for him, he's fourteen and had to go through all this...

"It's okay, you were just joking around I get it." I said going in to hug him. Instead he started to tickle me and said

"It's your turn to make breakfast you turd!" And ran out of the room.
I ran downstairs after him, made pancakes and gave some to Jake or as I call him, Booger then went upstairs to change, I put on a black tank top with a galaxy sweatshirt on top, I also put on my grey leggings and white converse shoes. I didn't eat anything that morning because I'm trying to lose weight.

I went to school and once again saw Nash, Joey, and Steven. I hated them so much, and they hate me for some reason, I've never done anything to them, they start to bully me and all my friends left me after they found out that I cut, they started to call me a attention whore, and a suicidal freak. Steven bumped into me... Hard, causing me to drop all my books and fall,

"Watch where your going fat ass!" he yelled and Joey kicked me in the stomach, which knocked the Wind out of me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at them, which caused Nash to grab me by my wrist and pull me up on my feet I whimpered a bit and he stood there me a confused look then his eyes went wide. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall and pulled me behind the lockers, he pulled up my sleeve so he can see my arm. He saw the scars/cuts.

"Why?" He said, he thought that I had stopped in middle school.
"Because of you! And your friends, you hit me and kick me, you make me bleed and cry, you give me bruises!" He stood there with tears rimming his eyes

"I hope that you will suffer for the rest of your life knowing that your the cause of scars on someone else's skin you douche bag!" With that he stomped away. I huffed and pulled down my sleeve. I walked to my first class, math. Math and science were the only classes I had with Nash. We had new seating arrangements, I sat in the back... Okay, now the teacher won't notice when I'm crying. I sat with... Oh no, I sit with Nash. No! I can't sit with Nash! He will make my life miserable! Well worse than it already is. I sat down, thankfully Nash wasn't here yet. He came in ten minutes late,

"Nash, you're late. You will have to see me after class" Mrs. Finasky says

"Fine." He mumbled.

"Mr. Grier, you sit beside Emily." He scanned the class to find me then came and sat in the seat next to me. I glanced over to him, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, something else must have happened. He couldn't have been crying for me. After class I sat on the bleachers inside the Gym because I had second period free. I went on WattPad, and started to read books. After Nash came in and sat down beside me

"What the hell do you want Nash?" I sneered

"I wanted to say sorry about..." He trailed off.

"About what? How you made my life a living hell? Yeah, why don't you try going through it, it isn't easy." I yelled

"Uh, okay... " he mumbled.

"Just leave me alone, I hate you, Nash!" I screamed at him, he looked me in the eye, we both had blue eyes, his were ice blue, and mine were indigo.


"Because in eighth grade you told every one that I cut myself you moron, they called me a fucking suicidal freak! You're so fucking blind! After all these years, after you stab me in the back, after you leave me just so you can be popular! You finally come to say sorry? Well tough luck I don't believe words anymore I believe actions Nash!" With that I stomped off.  My next class was cooking class; I had to take it so I could cook for my brother.


(Photo at the beginning of the chapter is Emily)

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