Part 8

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A/N: Okay, I can't tell if I like this chapter or if it's making me cringe, I'm kinda in between so bear with me. I hope you like it tho! Also sorry that it's the tiniest bit shorter than my other chapters.

Spider had never been so caught off guard in his entire life. His head jerked backwards, not in disgust, just in pure shock. Had she really just kissed him? Crescent pulled her hand away quickly, her face going bright red as she clearly getting the wrong idea from his reaction.

"Oh God," she sputtered, covering her hands with her face in embarrassment, "Miles, I'm sorry I shouldn't have—"

He grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face. He wasn't sure what he was doing, he just grabbed her and pulled her closer. There was no way he was wasting that moment. Not in a million years. He'd wanted to do this for so long, but had never been brave enough to. And then once her and Neteyam had become closer, it hadn't been right for him to say anything. Spider had never been so jealous in his entire life than the day he realized what was going on between them. But that wasn't important in that moment. He forced himself to forget about the Sully family for just a minute. This wasn't about them.

Spider didn't hesitate for a moment longer, he kissed her back. She made a sound of surprise, but moved her hands to grip his shoulders as she leaned into the kiss. It seemed like they were always catching each other off guard.

The kiss was not gentle, it was hungry, like they were starved of air and only found it in each other. It was like the tension that had been building between them for months was finally gone, allowing them to melt into each other's embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him even closer to her.

It was a kiss that made Crescent realize how much she ached for Spider and it only confirmed to Spider what he already knew. He moved his lips against hers as she kept her eyes closed, both of them not bothering coming up for air.

Spider couldn't get close enough to her, wrapping an arm around her back so that they were pressed up together. He felt her wince slightly at the contact and that's all it took for him to remember her injury.

He pulled back instantly, guilt wracking his body, "Shit, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm fine," she insisted, grabbing his arm to pull him back towards her, "you don't need to worry about me 24/7."

"You got shot Cress," he said, grabbing the hand that was on his arm, "I think my worry is justified."

God, he wanted to kiss her again so badly, but he wanted her to be safe even more. If he ever hurt her or caused her pain, he would never forgive himself. Especially when she was already hurt. Why did she insist on putting herself in danger? It was because she was so selfless, and that honestly sometimes frustrated him. He hated anything that put her in harms way.

As he pulled away from her, Spider had never seen Crescent look so confused in his entire life. He couldn't tell if he was confusing her, or if she was confused by herself. Maybe a little bit of both. Too be fair, he was a bit confused too. He had no idea what the kiss meant to her. Spider knew what it meant to him, it meant everything. But why had she kissed him in the first place?

"Don't you want this?" She asked, gesturing between them and looking at him as if she didn't already know the answer to her question.

Spider was almost angry that she'd even ask that question, "You're blind if you think I don't," he admitted, "but I have to question whether or not you actually want it."

Crescent shook her head, confused.

"I don't want to be your distraction just because you can't have Neteyam." He said, even though his stomach was tied into nervous knots. But he was telling the truth. Spider's feelings for Crescent were deep, but that didn't mean he'd settle for merely being a rebound because she was still upset about Neteyam.

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