Chapter 3

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' You look very pretty right now Emily ' I said and chuckled

' Whats the special occasion ? ' I asked and turned to her.

' Oh, i-, theres none, i was just playing around abit ' She stammered. She couldnt look me in the eyes. I put my finger under her chin and turned her to face me.

' Im kidding Emily, no need to get so flustered ' I said and laughed. I let go of her face and looked around her room more, i realized that that wasnt a good position to be in. Their was an unfamiliar surge in my stomach, but maybe it was because i had forgotten to eat dinner. Or i was worried about the situation with Carson.

' Do you want some cider ? ' She asked and i nodded. She gave me a glass and i drank and drank until the glass was empty. We sat like that for awhile and i felt myself become a bit tipsy. I was a little lightweight when it came to certain beverages.

' Is that you as a kid ' I said and walked over to a picture of a young girl who looked like Emily.

' Yes ' Emily said from her bed.

' Youre cute ' I said with a small smile she couldnt see.

I heard her standing up from her bed but i was still looking at the picture. I felt her breathing behind me. My hair was pulled to the side, exposing my neck, i shivered when her pingers made contact with my skin. I felt her step even closer, not close enough to touch me, but close enough to feel her warmth. Suddenly i felt her lips on my neck, she placed small kisses on my neck. I couldnt help myself so i tried to get closer to her. I swallowed as she continued leavning small butterfly kisses around my neck and shoulder. Suddenly we heard the door downstairs open and Emily almost flew away from me. I heard voices downstairs of a male and a female, i presumed it was her parents. One of them walked up the stairs and went into Emilys room. It was a awkard situation , Emily stood almost at the door when her Mother came into the room and smiled.

' Youre back already ' Emily breathed out

' The resturant didnt have any tables left and all the other resturants only had pre-booked tables. So we decided to go home and cook up some food instead, Is this your new friend Emily? ' She asked as she looked at me.

' Yes, this is Amelia ' She said

' Amelia this is my mother Pam '

' Nice to meet you Mrs. Fields ' I said trying to overcome what had just happend moments before.

' Would you like to stay for dinner, Amelia? ' Mrs.Fields asked

' Thats so generous of you, but i gotta get home. Before my family gets worried ' I said and picked up my stuff.

' Okay, another time then ' She said and walked downstairs.

' Amelia - ' Emily started.

' I gotta get home, my mom is probably worried ' I said and rushed outside.

I heard Emily follwing me downstairs and outside but i ran to my car and started it and drove away.

What the hell happened.

//// NOT EDITED ////

Love and lies - A Emily Fields fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now