Chapter 16

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I felt empty. I was disgusted by myself for putting both myself and Emily in this situation. This wasn't fair to her. I tried texting and calling her the rest of the day but she wouldn't answer. I tried to catch her in the cafeteria but she was nowhere to be found.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and started to cry. I wasn't a crier. I never cried before, certainly not over another person. My mascara was now coating my face and I felt uncomfortable and disgusting. I opened up my phone and typed out yet another text message to Emily.

" Emily, please answer me! I'm sorry! Please don't leave me! " I pressed send and threw my phone on the floor. It probably wasn't a smart decision considering it could break.

I knew what I had to do to get Emily back. But would it be enough?

I was now faced with a decision that would make me happy but also ruin my life. Breaking up with Carson. It felt weird even considering it, we had been together since we were 12. And we were supposed to get married after high school. But now, that wasn't going to happen. I didn't want to be with him. I wanted to be with Emily. I didn't love him anymore. I don't even like him anymore. I had started to hate him. I had started to realise that he was a terrible person.

My phone buzzed once again and I couldn't help but tense up. Ever since those weird and cryptic messages started coming I would tense up when I felt that buzz. I took a deep breath and looked at my phone.

" My oh my, What would mommy say if she found out about your secret affair? - A "

I let out a frustrated groan and almost threw my phone on the ground. Who was this person who kept sending me messages? Why were they doing this? A second buzz came and I immediately looked at the phone.

" If you break up with sweet little Carson your mother will be notified on how you like to spend your time. She would certainly have a heart attack knowing her daughter was enjoying kissing a girl, - A "

This time my phone flew against the wall and it broke into pieces. I let out a frustrated scream and picked up the pieces left of my phone and took out the sim card and threw the rest of my phone in the garbage.

I walked out to my car and jumped in and drove to the phone store to my myself a new phone, a phone where unknown numbers wouldn't be able to contact me.

I hoped that this would be the end of those horrifying text messages.

/// Not edited ///

Love and lies - A Emily Fields fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now