Chapter 31

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" You're right! Horrible timing and horrible place to ask " I said and laughed.

" Yeah I'm sorry! Just forget it! " She said and looked down into the ground.

" Maybe we should wait with that. Just for a little while " I whispered hoping that she wouldn't get hurt.

" Of course! " She said and tried to pull away her hand but I held it harder not letting her let go.

" I'm not saying no Emily " I whispered.

A big smile wrapped around her face, and internally i died. she was so cute and she wanted to be mine? this must be a dream.

" I should probably get inside. I'm sure my father has a lot to say about everything " I said and let go of her hand.

" Yeah sure. Text me later? " She said.

" You betcha " I said and laughed. Emily walked down the steps and to her car. I waited until her car was out of sight before taking a deep breath and walking inside.

// Not edited //

Love and lies - A Emily Fields fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now