Chapter 10

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I sat in my car and just breathed. The dinner with my family, Carson and his family had been over for 30 minutes. My family had left to pick up some papers at their work. I promised them I would drive home immediately but I didn't . Tears rolled down my face as I tried to understand everything I was feeling.

I don't love him anymore... Or maybe this was just a phase. Maybe I'm just not feeling that well mentally anymore.

I brushed away my tears and rummaged through my bag after my phone. I finally got it out, I made a mental note that I had to clean out my bag of all the junk that had made it's way into it. I opened up my phone and watched the text message I had gotten 20 minutes earlier.

" Can you come over? Just for a little while... I have something for you! " - Emily.

I sighed and threw my phone in my bag again, I pulled on my seat belt and started my car. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards Emily.

After 10 minutes of driving I parked my car outside her house and hopped out of the car. I walked up to the front door and knocked. It took a little while before the door was opened and Emily stood in the doorway with cute little blue pyjamas with cats on it. She looked a bit shocked but soon a very big smile stretched across her face.

" You came " She exclaimed.

" Yeah, of course! You asked me too "

She smiled and looked into my eyes with a look that I couldn't fathom.

" Wait here " She said and ran up the stairs. I complied and sat down on the porch swing. Soon she came out of the house and sat down beside me on the porch swing.

" Me and the girls went shopping today, and I found this thing at the store. And I thought about you. I thought about us.." She whispered the last part and handed my a small blue and gold glittery box. I smiled at her and opened the box. In it was two necklaces that sat together. Matching necklaces. A heart. On one side it stood "For" and on the other one it stood " Ever " it was a silver color.

" It's beautiful Emily " I said and picked them up and held them in my hands.

" It's a token for our friendship... and that we will be by each others sides forever. " She said and pulled apart the necklaces and put one of them on me and the other she put on herself.

" Thank you Emily " I said and smiled at her. I couldn't tear my gaze away from her. Her sitting beside me with the moonlight shining on her face. And her beautiful smile that sat beautifully on her face made me feel... fuzzy... and warm inside. I was truly happy having her by my side.

She looked at me with an intense gaze and I didn't register that she came closer and closer to me until I felt her lips on mine. They were warm. Her lips moved softly against mine. I was shocked. But then I did something that was both wrong and immoral. I kissed her back.

/// Not edited ///

Love and lies - A Emily Fields fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now