❤︎ Mother knows best ❤︎

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Do you ever listen to a song and like damn this would be a good ass chapter? Yea I'm listening to a song rn and I wanna write about but it's literally about sex so it's not really the right time 😭

Enids POV:

My heart jumps in my chest as I look at my phone screen to see a text from my mother saying that she's coming to visit me in the hospital.

"I really don't wanna see her, I can't," I thought.

I feel my breathing becoming hard and my chest unsteady. Wednesday signals Bianca to go get something from the cafeteria as she wraps her arms around my cold body.

The thought of my mom yelling at me plagued my mind, and her voice began echoing in my ears.

"Wednesday I don't wanna see her! I physically and Mentally cannot right now! She can't come!" I plead through tears. She rocks me back and forth, not saying a word but showing me that she's here.

"Shhh...I won't let her I promise." She whispers.

My arms sit in front of my chest all warm from my body temperature and Wednesdays. I hear footsteps behind me and feel my girlfriend grab for something and lift me off her chest. "Here, drink something"

I grabbed the cup of orange juice Wednesday gave me and took a small drink of it.

"I'm not ready," I whisper. "I'll be right back." Wednesday gets off of the bed and walks out of the room,


A few hours passed and I finally calmed down. Me and Wednesdays were playing board games which totally eased my nerves.

"AND I WIN!" I shout as I raise my hands in victory. She smirks at me, I could totally tell she felt defeat! I am too good at games!

"You may have won Sinclair but keep that same feeling when I win next round" she crawls off the bed and grabs the box after cleaning it all up. She puts it back and grabs another game, Uno of course.

A/N: I know the basic game I couldn't think of any other game lmao

"I AM TOO GOOD AT UNO! TRY ME ADDAMS ILL TOTALLY BEAT YOU!" I yell again and help her set up the game on the slab of wood we found under my bed.

We both take turns putting down cards.

I put down a +4 and she looks up at me with a furrowed eyebrow and a smirk. "Are you sure u wanna play that Sinclair?" She slyly asked.

I nodded with confidence and watched as she picked up 4 cards. She then absolutely destroyed me by putting multiple lucky cards and then saying Uno.

I stared down at the pile of cards in shock. "Well shit." Wednesday let out a small snicker and went to reset the cards before the door burst open. I heard the familiar voice of an old lady with somewhat high-pitched tones and fake happiness come out of her mouth.

"Oh, Enid! There you are! The nurse told me I couldn't come to see you cause you asked them not to let me in. That didn't sound like you so I came right in!" My mom shouted as she waved her arms around and then hugged me.

I froze.

My face felt cold and my body went numb. Wednesday pushed my mother off of me and looked at her with eyes that wished death upon her.

"The nurses were right. Enid wished to not see you and you didn't respect nor listen to her wishes now I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out before I throw you out" My girlfriend snaps.

I look around the blurry room and felt like I was about to faint.

"Her blood pressure rising. Everyone please out and give her space!"

Wednesdays POV:

Her mom Ofcourse sat on the opposite side of me once we got outside the room, side-eyeing me every chance she gets.

"If you look at me one more time I will rip your eyes out" I meet her gaze.

"I bet you the reason Enid didn't want to see me! You are playing with her mind and keeping me away from her! My daughter loves me and she would never wish me out like that!" Mrs. Sinclair says.

"Incorrect ma'am. Your daughter didn't want you in there 'cause you have caused her so much trauma that she wishes to not see you."

A nurse comes in and explains how we need to keep it down or move to the front area. Enid's mother huffed and walked down the hall with the nurse.

A few minutes later I was let back into see Enid. She was hooked up to cords and machines and was fast asleep. She looked beautiful when she was asleep. I thought about staying the night with her but I didn't wanna rip out any of the things attached to her.

I kiss her on the cheek before walking back out of the hospital. I had to wait a while for Bianca to pick me up, and when she did make it we drove back to Nevermore.

I explained how she was feeling and about her psychotic mother.

"Yup that's Mrs. Sinclair alright. I hate her so much but I know Enids to sweet to hate her as much as we all do. I mean I get it, it's her mother but she has done such bad things to her. I wish she realized her worth and would agree to let her mom go and out of her life" Bianca explains as she pays attention to the road.

I agree and continue looking at the stars.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! I am back! The vacation was amazing by the way, and totally worth the 16-hour train ride lmao but anyway!

This chapter was made on my phone so excuse if there wasn't anything corrected or if anything doesn't make sense. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

See ya at the next one :3

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