❤︎Love To See You❤︎

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Enids POV

"I'm so proud of you Enid for wolfing out! I was so scared for you, my dear!" My mother scolded. I sat in the back of our small car looking out the window and watching the Summer Trees fly past us. "Thanks, mom." I blankly say, She would not stop talking about my wolf Out since I told her, which was the week I came back due to the school needing to find a new Principal and Teacher.

"I'm really proud of you, Enid." My father added, I knew he genuinely meant it and I know he would still love me if I didn't. His voice made me smile a little, I love my dad so much.


We pull into the stone driveway and immediately see Yoko and Divina at the water fountain talking to Bianca. Ever since the fight, We've all become closer and actually became besties over the break! The car slows down and I run over to my favorite people.

"Hey, guys!" I shout, Running into Yoko's arms. She holds on to my upper back as she hugs me tight. "Hey, E!" She says, Divina and Bianca waved to me with a welcoming smiles on their faces. "How was your break?" Divina asked, I smirked at her. "Well I spent most of it with you guys but those moments that I wasn't were absolute hell! My mom would not get off my ass about my whole wolf-out situation." I explain.

Moments after we talked, I hear a noisy car coming into the driveway close to the end of my car. The windows were tinted but I knew exactly whose car that was! Wednesdays! I squealed as Wednesday's short but slim figure walked out of her car, She looked around before spotting me. 

"WILLA!" I squealed and ran up to her for a hug, she didn't hug me but she didn't push me off either so win for me! "hello, Enid." She said blankly, I knew she was happy to see me she just didn't wanna show it! Classic Addams!

Yoko and Divina walked up to us, Saying hi to Wednesday. Lurch, her butler had already come back from dropping off the goth's bags upstairs into our old dorm. "I missed you so much! How come you didn't text me back though?" My head tilted to the side, "As I said before, Enid. I don't want to be a slave to technology." She scoffed, I rolled my eyes and looked back at the vampires who were smirking and whispering at each other.

I and Wednesday looked at them confused. "What?" Wednesday asked, stepping closer to my side as I turned around to face them. "oh nothing! We'll see you at dinner. Okay, gotta go!" The couple scurried off towards the building, still laughing their asses off. I looked next to me to see Wednesday already looking at me. "Whatever they were giggling about, I doubt it was horrible." She said, red kinda taking over her cheeks. 

"yea, Yoko would never say anything bad about me I know that for sure! Wanna go back to our dorm? I have so many things to tell you!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her across the lot and into the building, I waved to my dad and mom as they passed by us. "Bye kiddo!" My dad yelled before driving off, Lurch driving behind them as they exited the gate. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this book! I'm really excited to be publishing my first book, my friend thought it would be a good idea to get out of my shell so here it is!

I'm so sorry if my grammar is not the best, I'm just doing this for fun! anyway, See ya in the next chapter! BYYEEEE

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