2. A skull-faced man adopts me

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It was 8 in the evening, but fortunately it wasn't even dark outside because it was summer. That was the only positive thought I had right now. I was so stressed when dad kicked me out that I forgot the most essential item that I needed in this situation: my wallet. Fortunately, I didn't forget my phone. I googled where the nearest orphanage was. I had no idea how that legally works, but I am in fact a homeless minor now, they couldn't just let me starve outside, right?

To get to the orphanage, I had to take a train there. I easily sneaked past the gates at Greenhoven Station, and sat down to wait. The train, which would also stop at Hillburg among some other villages, arrived not even 5 minutes later.

The train was empty, well, almost empty. There was only 1 other passager present: a man who's dressed in black and had a skull painted on his face.

Maybe he had a skull painted on his face because he's Mexican and he wanted to celebrate Día de Los Muertos? No, that couldn't be it, this skull face was different. It was... scarier. When I came closer towards him I could see that his left eye was white. It really finished the look.

''Why are you so sad?'' the man asked, before I even had the chance to sit down. You could hear in the tone of his voice that he truly had some sympathy for me. He also had an accent that suited him, strangely enough. ''Come sit next to me, my friend.'' I did as he asked, because why not? It's not like today can get any worse anyways.

''My parents kicked me out of their house because I'm gay.'' I said, immediately after I sat down. I usually don't tell strangers private information, but he asked. I want to tell everyone everything all of the time, but no one really listens, except Abby. I wish I had more friends that wanted to hear everything I have to say. I was going to miss her.

The man seemed shocked. ''Why would they kick you out of the house for that? Don't they know that men are sexy? I personally love both men and women. Enough about me, we were talking about you! What's your name?'' ''Roy.'' ''Well Roy, I am Papa Emeritus the 3rd, but you can call me Terzo. What is your plan to do now?'' I shrugged my shoulders. ''To go to the orphanage. I don't have any friends or family who live nearby who can help me, you see? So I guess that is my only option.

''Excuse me for 1 second.'' The man said, while he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, tapped on someone in his contacts named "SEESTOR" in all caps, and put it next to his ear. The phone on the other side of the line got picked up immediately. ''Ciao, sister!'' Terzo said. ''Yes, yes, the filming of the "He Is" music video went well, loved shooting the baptizing scene. But that's not what I called you about. I'm on my way back to the church and there's this kid who just got kicked out of his home. Can he live with us?''

What. The. Hell. Why was this strange man with skull face paint and who calls himself "Papa Emeritus the 3rd" asking someone else if I could live with him?

The woman on the other side of the line said something. ''No, I know that there's another empty room next to the old creepy guy's room.'' Terzo replied. ''Come on Sister Imperator, isn't being a good person being a satanist is all about?'' Terzo was silent for a few seconds until he said: ''Grazie, sister. I shall ask him now.''

Terrified by the fact that some halloween-themed weirdo wanted to adopt me I slowly got up from my seat. ''Where are you going? I get it, I'm a stranger with weird face make-up but I only want to help you. You are free to go of course, but I just want you to know... I've helped others like you before.'' Terzo said, as if he could read my mind.

''You know what? Fuck it.'' I said, while sitting back down in my seat again. If this is the day I get killed by some psychopath, then so be it. ''What should I know before I go with you?''

Terzo thought for a second before he answered my question. ''We are a satanic community who live inside a church. There's The Clergy, who make all the important decisions, they consist of my dad, Papa Nihil, he is very old but he can play the saxophone like no other! Then there's my brothers, Primo and Secundo. They are annoying and think that they are better singers than I am, but that is nonsense of course! Sister Imperator is a very important member of The Clergy, I would advice you to behave respectful towards her. And, most importantly, there's me! The head of the church!''

''Who else lives in the church?'' I asked. ''Well, there's other people who live in the church, such as Cardinal Copia. Some may call him Cardi C. He is in my opinion a better rapper than Cardi B. There's also brothers and sisters of sin. And there are ghouls we have summoned from hell!'' He said that last sentence like it was the most normal thing in the world. At this point I was convinced a psychopath was about to kidnap me.

''Some of the ghouls are my bandmates. We have concerts that we call rituals, you see?'' Suddenly, the music video thing he was talking about earlier on the phone made sense. He continued talking. ''To avoid being seen by people outside of the church there's an invisible border in the woods around the church that the ghouls can't cross. They are summoned here with a book that we have in the basement. Oh, and about speaking about the basement, avoid it at all times. It's heavily protected by the guard ghouls. All though I doubt if Rain has it in him to ever harm someone...'' He mumbled that last sentence.

''Sounds nice.'' I replied. ''Let's go.''

Terzo talked some more about the church, his band, his family. During the train ride, I opened up to him more. It seemed like he wanted to hear what I have to say. No, he did more than that, he really listened to me. I either was going to get killed by this crazy man tonight, or I made a new lifelong friend.

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