6. I will survive

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As the days went by, I got better at recognizing the ghouls. I memorized their walks, their voices, the way their bodies were build. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. Everything in life was easier here. Even going to school in the church was a lot of fun. And after school and in the weekends, I'd usually hang out with the ghouls.

It was a nice Sunday evening when Aether and I walked into The Great Hall. It always felt like the paintings of the demons on the stone wall were staring right into my soul. But other than that, The Great hall was very cozy. There were some ghouls playing a card game at one of the tables in the front of the hall. Aether and I walked past them to go to our group of friends. They were playing karaoke in the back of the hall, near the fireplace.

''Hey! If it isn't our best ghoul Aether with our best guy Roy!'' Swiss exclaimed, while Mountain, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine were singing.

''I'm a Barbie ghoul, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic!''

The ghoulttes sang Barbie's parts, while Mountain did Ken's deep voice.

''Hey guys and gals!'' I said, I was always happy to see them. They all greeted us back, except for Dewdrop, who sat in the couch in front of the fireplace. He usually just stares at me, but he wasn't even doing that right now. Aether gave him a stern look. ''Dewdrop.'' He said, which made Dewdrop let out a sigh. ''Okay, okay! I'll do it.'' He got up and walked towards me. ''Hello Roy, I wanted to apologize. I know that my actions of basically ignoring you were incredibly childish, and I won't do it again. I admit that I was just jealous of your height, so uh, sorry?'' He looked me in my eyes. ''No worries Dew,'' I said, ''It's okay.''

''Really?'' He said, like he couldn't believe it. ''Do you want to sing with me now?'' He pointed at the karaoke set, Mountain the ghoulettes were just done singing. ''Oh, no thank you. I was actually just gonna go.'' ''To where?'' Aether asked. Even Swiss interfered now. ''Come on, Roy, you should sing with Dew!'' I rolled my eyes, there was no way I was getting myself out of this. ''Okay! I'll do it! But just know that I sound like crap when I sing.'' Dewdrop laughed. ''Your crap sings?''

Swiss put on a new song, and Dewdrop and I started to sing together.

''At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side.''

I sang really quietly, but Dewdrop didn't. So I decided to sing a little louder when the chorus kicked in.

''Go on now, go, walk out the door. Just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore!''

Cirrus grabbed Cumuls' hand and they started to dance together. Even Rain couldn't help but to shake his head to the beat. And Aether? He looked like a proud dad. So it couldn't hurt them if I sang a little louder, right? This was very fun after all.

''Oh no, not I, I will survive. Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive. I've got all my life to live, and I've got all my love to give and I'll survive! I will survive, hey, hey!''

Aether and Mountain started to dance now as well, not caring about the looks the other ghouls in the room who were playing a card game were giving them. Even a man in a red suit with black make-up around his eyes stopped walking to look at the whole scene. And by the time the second chorus kicked in, all of the ghouls were singing along. Rain was singing quietly, while Swiss was singing loudly while moving his hips.

''I will survive!''

I sang that last sentence like my life depended on it. The card game ghouls all shook their heads and went back to playing their game. But we didn't care. The man in the red suit who was watching us clapped. ''Did you like it, Cardinal?'' Dewdrop asked. ''Oh Dewdrop, I didn't like it, I loved it! You ghouls are amazing and hilarious, if I were Papa, I'd choose you as my ghouls.'' ''Well actually I play bass in the ba-'' Dewdrop interrupted him, but he cut him off. ''And who do we have here? A new face? I've seen you around a couple of times but I don't think we've met. I'm Cardinal Copia.'' The man said. ''Hello, I'm Roy.'' The man had a friendly smile on his face. ''There's no need to ask you if you're enjoying your time in the church. I can see it through the sparkle in your eyes. Well, I better be going, have a nice evening.'' ''Have a nice evening as well, Cardinal Copia.'' I said, and the cardinal walked away.

We sang karaoke songs all evening, and then we talked some more after that. ''Hey Roy,'' Swiss said. ''I've got these pants but the zipper won't work anymore. I know that you're good with clothing and stuff because of the patches on your jacket I saw the other day. So I wanted to ask you if you could fix them for me?'' ''Sure,'' I said, ''but I can't do anything without materials.'' Swiss laughed. ''Oh, don't worry, we've got a whole workplace for the church's tailors. I've asked them to do it, but I'm pretty sure that they forgot. Or they just don't like me. Either way, the pants are already in the workplace.'' ''Cool! I'll do it then. Anything to help out a friend. But I don't know where that is, Aether only showed me the parts of the church that were relevant to me at the time.'' ''Don't worry! I'll show you right now!'' Dewdrop said, I didn't even know that he was listening to our conversation. ''What? Why now? It's a Sunday evening, I said I'll fix them but not right now-'' I tried to protest but Dewdrop grabbed my hand and dragged me away from The Great Hall, into the endless halls of the church.

I tried to stop walking, but Dewdrop was determined to show me the tailor's workplace. So eventually I just went along with him. ''Why do you want to show me that room so bad?'' ''You'll see.'' Was the only thing he replied.

''Is this... Heaven?'' I said, when we arrived at the tailor's workplace. There were desks with sewing machines on them, cupboards full of all kinds of clothing fabric in every color and print, and there were mannequin's wearing some of the designs the tailors had made.

Dewdrop shrugged his shoulders. ''Eh, technically you're closer to hell than any other place on earth because the only connection between earth and hell is in the very same building we're in right now.'' I ignored him and went over to a pair of black pants I saw on a desk. ''I've found Swiss' pants!'' ''I don't care about Swiss' pants.'' Dewdrop said. ''Tomorrow you can touch the zipper's on his pants as much as you want-'' He stopped talking for a second after he realized what he just said. ''That came out the wrong way, I'm sorry, what I meant to say was, I dragged you here because I wanted to talk to you, in private. Because I need your help.'' I thought for a second and then I realized that that's why he was suddenly acting nice to me now.

''Did you just apologize to me because you need my help?''

''You just made my ears bleed, so now we're even.''

I nodded. ''Fair enough, I know that I sound like nails on a chalkboard, I'll give you that. But there's no need to be so rude.''

''Whatever, if you help me with this I'll be a little nicer to you, I promise.'' That didn't sound too convincing, but I decided to listen anyways. ''So you know that old guy, mister Robertson? I think he's hiding something. All of the ghouls feel uncomfortable whenever he's around, and he's acting so suspicious all of the time. I want to sneak into his bedroom to see if we can find proof against him.''

I crossed my arms. ''Why do you need my help with this?'' Dewdrop stared at me. He did this one specific kind of stare sometimes that made me feel uncomfortable, and I had no idea if he did it on purpose or not. ''Obviously, I can't do this alone. I need someone for on the lookout. I asked Swiss and Mountain already. Usually they're down to do something that could get them in trouble. But they didn't want to, because you know, basically the most powerful woman in this church is in love with mister Robertson, and they're too intimidated by her. I would have asked the rest of the ghouls and ghoulettes too, but I know that they don't want to break The Clergy's rules. So, are you down?''

Even though Dewdrop wasn't the nicest guy I've met in the church, Aether had said that he has a heart of gold. And I trusted him. It was clear that it was in Dewdrop's nature to get in trouble, but he didn't want to get in trouble just for the sake of it. No, he wanted to do something that could help the ghouls at the church. He wanted to help his friends. And I'd be lying if I said that that mister Robertson guy wasn't suspicious.

''Fine. I'll do it.''

A small laugh escaped Dewdrop's mouth. ''I'd figured you'd say yes, it's hard to say no to an official band member after all. We need a key to his room first. I know that the cleaners have almost all of the keys, so that wouldn't be too hard. See you tomorrow.''

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