10. There's no funny title for this chapter

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''So, for now, on your first day as a guard ghoul, you'll have to stay with me. There's no maps of the basement and if you lose me you'll probably get lost.'' Rain said, while we passed another ghoul who was guarding the entrance of the basement. ''Today we're lucky, we don't have to guard the entrance, but we're going to walk through the maze for in case someone gets past the first guard ghoul at the entrance. You know, the entrance shifts are always kind of boring. And when it's not, there are always people trying to convince you to let them in and stuff.'' ''I'm sorry, did you just say maze?'' I asked.

We were walking down the cold, stone stairs. It seemed like it was getting colder with every step we took down the stairs. ''Wait... You didn't know that there's a gigantic maze with multiple floors underneath the church? There are rooms in the maze, in each room there's a different prized possession of the church. They get swapped around ever once in a while, so no one knows what is in which room. Before, there were just normal lockers for the church's treasures, but people just blew the locks up and stuff. So Papa Nihil's father's father's father, or something like that, built an enormous dark maze underneath the church so that it would scare people off. The fun part is, that we, as ghouls, are the scariest part of the maze. But no worries, nothing bad has ever happened in the time that I work here.'' I sighed. ''Right, someone could have prepared me for a dark, scary, cold maze. But sure, let's walk around in here.''

Every step we took echoed in the maze. There were spiders and cowebs everywhere. At the beginning of the maze were loads of lit candles and some empty old barrels, but that was only for the first few meters into it. I almost couldn't see anything after we passed the candles, but luckily Rain did. Aether had explained to me before that ghouls have better sight in dark places than humans do. And I absolutely believed him now. Rain had no trouble getting through the maze, he knew where to turn around to avoid the dead ends, and he even saved me from walking against the wall 2 times. Being a ghoul must be pretty cool, being stronger than the average person, having night vision and stuff. But there were also less cool things about being a ghoul, like all of the garlick bread you'd miss out on, or the fact that you had to ask Papa every time you wanted to go back to hell to your family.

''How often does Papa use the book to un-summon you back to hell so you can visit your family?'' I asked, out of curiousity, and to break the silence in the eerie maze. ''Usually once a month, but Papa makes time for me so I can visit my grandma once a week. She's very sick, so I'm glad that Papa understands that I'd like to see her as often as possible, now that I still can.'' ''That's very nice of Papa. He truly has a heart of gold, I hope that he may live for a very long time.''

Suddenly, Rain stood still, it's like he heard something. ''Something's wrong. I feel... weak. Follow me.'' He said. We quickly ran to what felt like the other side of the maze, and that's when I heard it too: there was another voice that echoed through the maze. We weren't alone.

''Daemones revertere ad inferos...''

We rushed back towards the entrance of the basement, where the voice was coming from. When we turned around another corner, it took a while before my eyes got used to the light coming from the candles. But I knew that I stood eye to eye with a familiar face. It was mister Robertson, he was reading a thick, leather bound book, while he was saying something what sounded like an ancient spell. Rain ran as fast at him as he could, I had never seen him this angry before. The old man closed the book and held on to it tightly while he ran up the stairs, and we followed him like our lives depended on it. ''Stop him! Someone, stop him!'' I screamed, desperate for help. But the ghoul who was guarding the entrance to the basement earlier, was nowhere to be seen.

Rain, who already catched up to mister Robertson by the time we were at the entrance, tackled him. Roberston fell on the ground with a loud thud. ''GIVE ME THE BOOK! NOW.'' Rain screamed at him, while holding his body still on the floor. His voice was loud, angry, demanding, and agressive. I was surprised that Rain had this in him. It wasn't like he was going to do anything to Robertson though, he still had some sense of self control. Everything would be alright if Robertson didn't hurt him and just gave him the book back.

Suddenly I realized that Rain was in great danger. I ran towards him, but it was already too late. Robertson slowly grabbed the crucifix with his one free hand from under his shirt, and pressed it against Rain's chest. Rain screamed it out in excruciating pain. Robertson let the crucifix touch Rain's chest until I moved him quickly away from Rain, who was lying on the ground, wincing in pain.

''Begone! Creature from hell!'' Robertson shouted at me, while he put the crucifix against my chest as well. I rolled my eyes at him. ''It must suck to suck, honey.'' I punched him in his face, as hard as I could. The old man stumbled backwards, but attacked back nontheless. His fist hit my stomach, causing a crushing pain. Before I could block his fist, that was coming at me again, he had already punched my silver mask off of my face. The look on his face went from angry to disgust in just 1 second. ''You!'' He yelled. ''Yes it is me, the one who sneaked into your roo-'' but before I could finish my sentence, the old man punched my in my face again.

I looked over at Rain, who was still experiencing the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. He just layed there, unable to help me, and at that moment, I knew that we were doomed. I was never a fighter, talking was my specialty. I tried to hit Robertson, but I missed. He was holding the book with both hands now, while he screamed at me in anger. The book coming towards my head was the last thing I remember clearly, before everything went blurry.

''Not... my... friend!'' I could vaguely see Rain standing up, slowly, with 1 hand still on his chest where Robertson had put the crucifix. Mister Robertson just started laughing. ''What are you going to do, stupid ghoul?'' Rain ran towards him, this time fully knowing the things that Robertson was capable of, and suddenly, the walls and the floor I was lying on were bright red. Robertson's scream was almost as agonizing as Rain's was earlier. Rain wanted to attack Robertson once more. But this time Robertson grabbed what was presumably his crucifix again, it was hard to see with my vision getting blurrier, and put it in the same place on Rain's chest. Rain dropped to the ground, his screams getting louder and louder, while Robertson continued to torture him. The smell of burnt skin was enough to make mister Robertson laugh like a maniac. I wanted to help Rain so badly, but all I could do is just lie there, helplessly, waiting for this all to be over. Rain's screams were the last thing I heard, before everything went black.

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