12. I steal from an old, fragile man

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It was almost exactly 3 weeks later when I could finally get out of the hospital wing. Dewdrop got out on the same day as I did. I explained to him what had happened, and when he saw Rain lying in his bed, he cried. I had never seen Dewdrop so emotional, but it turned out that what Aether said was really true, Dewdrop truly had a heart of gold. Not soon after Dewdrop woke up, he told sister Imperator that I was right, and that mister Robertson was indeed the bad guy, not me. She immediately believed him, and told me that there was no need for me to steal the book back to prove to her that I was on her side. She also said that it was too dangerous, but I didn't care about how dangerous it might be. I'm going to steal the book back, so that the ghouls can see their family again. Rain might even see his grandma again when he wakes up.

Aether, Dewdrop, and I were sitting around Rain's hospital bed. ''I wonder how long it's going to take for him to wake up.'' I said, while I looked at poor Rain. ''Probably in a few months from now. I mean, I touched a bible for a millisecond and it took me a month to recover. You told me that he got... tortured with a crucifix?'' Dewdrop said that last part very quietly. ''Yes, that is true. But don't worry. I'm going to get revenge on Robertson one day. Hell, why not today? I'm going to steal the book back.'' Aether shook his head. ''I agree with you Roy, but where are you going to start? And look at you, you've barely even recovered from the last time you fought him. There's still a bandage around your head!'' I smiled. ''Yes, but at least I can walk now. And also, I'm not going to fight him again. Fighting isn't my specialty, talking is. And I think that I know where I can find him. He said in his letter to sister Imperator that he lives in Hillburg. We all know that that letter was 1 big lie, but why would he lie about that part? We also know that he's a Christian, and there's only 1 Christian church in Hillburg.''

Dewdrop smiled mischievously at me when I finally finished talking. ''Roy you are a genius! I wished that we could come along with you, but you know, us ghouls can't cross the invisible border in the forest.'' ''We?'' Aether said. ''I'm sorry, I'd love to help but have you got any idea of how dangerous that is? And especially for us ghouls? Even if Papa lifted the invisible border, we still can't set foot on holy ground.'' ''We could give him mental support from the side lines?'' Dewdrop tried. I chuckled. ''I appreciate the support Dew, but I think that Aether is right. There's no need to convince Papa to lift the invisible border. This is something I have to do by myself.''


A few hours later I arrived at the Christian church of Hillburg. I couldn't help but to let out a chuckle when I saw their church. I was nowhere as big as the satanic church. I was actually the exact opposite of our church. It was small, white, and had colored paintings of figures from the bible on the windows. There was also a small graveyard next to it, which looked rather spooky.

When I walked in, I could see that there were some people in there to pray. Luckily, I could also see mister Robertson. He didn't see me yet, because he was facing the other way. Once the people in the church saw me, they all kept staring at me, some of them were even whispering about me. ''Yes, yes! I get it everyone! You're all just a bunch of boring people who look like stock photos! I am indeed a man wearing a pink skirt, get over it!'' I yelled confidently, causing Robertson's attention. Or should I say Pastor Robertson's attention? When he turned around, I could see that he was wearing a pastor's outfit. Suddenly it all made a lot more sense to me that he wanted the ghouls to be gone for good.

''You!'' Pastor Robertson yelled when he realized that I was there. ''Get out of my church! Now!'' ''Hey hey, calm down Robby, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.'' I said, with a broad smile on my face. I'm no psychopath, but I'd lie if I said that I didn't enjoy seeing Robertson being uncomfortable around me. ''You have something that I believe isn't yours. Do you want to give it back?''

Robertson stared at me in fear, like he just realized that he wasn't going to get away from this as easily as he thought he would. ''I'm afraid that that is not possible right now.'' ''Why not, Robby?'' ''Because... Did you see the graveyard outside?'' I nodded. ''Well,'' Robertson continued, like he was going to explain his evil masterplan to me, ''there's a catacomb that's full of body's from old pastors and kings. It opens every 5 years, when the green moon is shining on the crystal that is on the pedestal.'' He pointed at a shining green crystal, in the size of a tennis ball, that was lying in a golden pedestal that looked as if it was specifically made for it. ''You and your little ghoul friends almost ruined my plan. But fortunately for me, the catacomb opened itself up the night I stole the book. Un-summoning the ghouls wasn't an option anymore, one can only un-summon them on your church's grounds, inside the invisible border. It's too risky for me to go there now. I could have burned it, but then I wouldn't get rid of the ghouls that are here on earth now. So I only had 1 option left, and that was to hide it in the catacomb. And now it's going to be there for at least 5 more years! Then, I'll get someone to go to your church to un-summon all of the ghouls. And then, I'll burn it!''

''Hm, but stealing is a sin. I used to be a Christian, so I know that.'' I said, while not breaking eye contact with the pastor. ''Even Satan used to be an angel.'' He said. ''Yes, but now he's just Satan. And Satan can steal from the people who wronged him, honey.'' Without hesitation, I pushed the pastor away to save myself some time, grabbed the green crystal from the pedestal, and ran away as fast as I could. Pastor Robertson layed helplessly on the floor of the church. ''Stop him! Someone, stop the boy in the pink skirt!'' But nobody listened to him, nobody had any idea of what was happening. I continued to run for as long as I could. The little white church was out of sight once I took a good look at the shining crystal that was in the palm of my hand. I knew exactly what I was going to do in 5 years.

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