8. The evil old man is being really evil

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Mister Robertson's room was easy to find, because I knew that he was staying in the room next to mine. ''We have to make sure that he's not in there first before we break in.'' Dewdrop said, and without knowing what he would do if Robertson opened the door, he knocked.

Thank Satan, it was silent. ''There's no one there, go ahead. I'll be on the lookout.'' I said, while I handed Dewdrop the keys. He snatched them out of my hands, took a second to find the right key, and put it in the lock. He went inside while I stood against the wall. I opened the zipper of my backpack, and grabbed my phone out of it so I could pretend to look at it while I was actually looking if someone was there. But the coast was clear.

Suddenly, a large ''AARGH'' came from the direction of mister Robertson's room. It sounded like Dewdrop was in pain, so I immediately ran inside the room. The room looked exactly like my room, only there was a ghoul in pain, lying on the ground. ''Oh my Satan, Dew! Are you alright?'' I asked, sickly worried about him. ''I'm- I'm alright,'' Dewdrop said, while he was holding his left hand with his other hand. ''The good news is, I found proof. The bad news is, that it was a bible and I tried to pick it up because I was going through his normal books and I didn't know that there was a bible in there!'' He got up from the ground, and showed me his left hand. There was a big red line in the palm of his hand, where blood was coming from. It looked very painful. ''Dew, you're burned! We gotta get you to the Hospital Wing right now!'' Dew shook his head stubbornly, ''no, we have to take a picture of the bible first. Once we have proof we're gonna get the fuck out of here.'' I was still holding my phone, so I quickly took a picture of the bible. ''We have proof,'' I said, ''let's get out of here now.''

We heard the door behind us shut. ''I don't think that you're going to show The Clergy proof at all.'' Mister Robertson had an evil smile on his face, while he snatched my phone out of my hands. ''How cute, the 2 little detectives found proof. Such a shame that the dragqueen and his friend from hell got caught!'' He threw my phone with force against the wall, all of the proof was gone.

This made Dewdrop, who was still in a lot of pain, more upset than he already was. ''How dare you! What is your plan? Why are you here? Who are you?'' A little tear escaped from the corner of his eye. But the old man didn't show any sign of empathy. ''Get out of my room, evil creature from hell. Before I must use this.'' He grabbed a crucifix that was on his necklace that he hid underneath his shirt. ''I've got plenty of these with me at all times to protect myself against your kind.'' Dewdrop ran out of the room as fast as he could. ''And you,'' he gave me a cold stare, ''I'll make sure that I won't have to deal with you again. Now, go.'' I grabbed my broken phone, and put it back in my backpack that was still open. After that, I did as he said without saying a word to him. 

Dewdrop was standing a little further in the hall, he was waiting on me. ''Let's get you to the Hospital wing right now.'' I said, while we walked as fast as possible. ''I feel... Different, now that you're here with me. I feel so... Uncomfortable. Like the stinging pain in my hand won't go away. Ever.'' When he looked at me I could clearly see the pain in his eyes. I tried to comfort him. ''It's going to be okay Dew, it's only stinging because you literally just touched that bible.'' Dewdrop shook his head. ''No, no it's getting worse now, and I don't know why.''


''And I'm all done.'' The nurse said, when she had finished treating Dewdrop's wound and put a bandage around his hand. I looked around while I sat in a chair next to Dewdrop's bed. The Hospital Wing was by far the most boring part of the church. There were a lot of beds with red privacy screens between them, and some doctors and nurses were walking around, doing their jobs. There were some sick people in the beds, but they were all human. Dewdrop was the only ghoul there. I suddenly remembered Aether telling me once about the fact that ghouls are generally stronger than humans and get injured a lot less. So if Dewdrop got injured, it must have hurt a lot. I felt so bad for him.

''It's probably best if you stay here for a while, Dewdrop. I'm going to put you on a lot of painkillers, you could get a bit sleepy from it.'' The nurse said. ''I'm sure that you both know that I'm obligated to inform The Clergy about this? Something like this rarely ever happens, so it must be pretty serious.'' We both nodded, and the nurse walked away while she called someone on her phone.

Not even 5 minutes later, both Papa and Sister Imperator came storming through the doors of the Hospital Wing.

''What happened?'' Papa asked with a worried tone in his voice. He and Sister Imperator both grabbed a chair and sat just like me, next to Dewdrop's bed. I gave Dewdrop a panicked look, was I supposed to tell The Clergy members about us breaking into someone else's room? ''Give them the honest answer, Roy.'' Dewdrop confirmed, like he could read my mind. He had his eyes closed already due to the painkillers, so he clearly didn't have the energy to tell them.

I sighed. ''So, Dewdrop and the other ghouls have been feeling very uncomfortable whenever mister Robertson was near them. Dewdrop asked me if I wanted to help him break into mister Robertson's room, because he thought that he had something to hide. I agreed, and when we got there, Dewdrop accidentally touched a bible. This made him scream out in pain and that's when mister Robertson caught us. I took pictures of the bible before that, but he threw my phone against the wall.''

Sister Imperator just laughed. ''So what are you implying with this? That mister Robertson is actually a Christian or something? Then what would he be doing here? Don't be so ridiculus!''

Papa thought about it for a second. ''Maybe he is. Roy wouldn't lie to me, I'm sure of that.'' Sister Imperator held her head up high. ''Mister Robertson is madly in love with me. He wouldn't lie to me either. So why don't we ask him about what happened?'' She grabbed her phone out of her pocket, and called mister Robertson. She asked him if he could come to the Hospital Wing, and it didn't take too long before he arrived. Meanwhile, Dewdrop had fallen asleep from the painkillers the nurse gave to him earlier.

''Hello darling, could you please explain to us what happened?'' Sister Imperator asked mister Robertson. ''But of course! I heard a terrible scream coming from Roy's room, so I stormed in. When I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes! He was hurting that poor ghoul with a bible, while he was filming it! Probably because he liked hearing him scream in pain and wanted to watch it back later. I took the bible from him, so that he couldn't hurt any more ghouls with it. It's safely in my room now. In the midst of all the panic, he threw his own phone at the wall so that all of the evidence of him torturing that poor ghoul was deleted.''

I am not an angry person at all. But the fact that mister Robertson was straight up lying to Papa and Sister Imperator was making my blood boil. Even Dewdrop, who was vast asleep from the painkillers, couldn't back me up about what happened.

''That's not true! How dare you lie to them like that?'' I screamed. Mister Robertson was staying calm. ''I mean, think about it. The ghouls say that they are feeling uncomfortable since I'm in the church? But you started living here around the same time as me! I bet that you have something that could make the ghouls uncomfortable with you right now.''

I crossed my arms. ''Okay, check my backpack if you're so sure of it.'' Sister Imperator grabbed my backpack and looked inside of it. ''Well, well, well. Look what we have here.'' She was holding a necklace with a crucifix on it. Mister Robertson must have slipped that in my backpack when I walked out of his room, which explains why Dewdrop said that he was feeling uncomfortable around me earlier. ''Care to explain this, Roy?''

I was too stunned to speak for a moment. ''I- it's- that isn't mine! He- he must have framed me! He was just wearing a necklace with a crucifix on it!''

Mister Robertson revealed his neck to us, showing that he wasn't wearing a necklace. Sister Imperator gave me a disappointed look. ''So we take you in, give you free food and an education, and you thank us by hurting our ghouls and falsely accusing an innocent man for it? The Clergy has to vote if we still want you here. And the odds aren't in your favor.''

''But I didn't do it!'' I tried to argue, while I could feel the tears in my eyes. This is where Papa stepped in. ''Excuse us, we have to talk in private.'' He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the hallway outside of the Hospital Wing. He looked around to secure that no one else was there, and when he was absolutely sure that there was no one there besides us, he put his hands on my shoulders while staring intensely into my eyes. ''Roy Meyer, I need you to be absolutely 100 percent honest with me now. Did you do it?'' ''No! No of course I didn't!'' I said, without breaking the eye contact. Papa let go of me. ''Okay then, I believe you. But Sister Imperator was right, if The Clergy has to vote on if we're kicking you out for this or not, the odds aren't in your favor. But don't worry, I have got a plan for if that happens.''

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