7. Hopefully I will still survive

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It was 5 PM that Monday when I finally finished fixing Swiss' pants. I was just about to leave the tailor's workroom when a woman, presumably in her 40's, walked in.

''Oh, hello,'' she said, as soon as she saw me. ''Do I know you?'' I shook my head. ''No ma'am. But I am Roy, nice to meet you. Swiss asked me if I could fix his pants.'' She looked at the pair of black jeans I was holding in my hands. ''Ah, I was just going to do that. Can I take a look? I'm Martha by the way, the head-tailor.'' I handed her Swiss' jeans, she looked at it for a few seconds, and handed it back to me. ''You did it perfectly! Have you ever considered a carreer as a tailor in the church?'' ''Sounds like a dream job to me,'' I replied, ''but I'll have to finish my education first. After that, I hope to make dresses that are just as beautiful as the one that mannequin is wearing over there! If I were a girl, I'd wear that every day.'' I pointed at one of the mannequins in the room, it wore a white summer dress, with a colorful flower pattern all over it. ''If you like it so much, then why don't you wear it? You don't have to be a girl in order to wear a dress, it's just a piece of clothing after all. You know what, I was so busy, and you just did my job, so why don't you take that dress as a gift for free?''

I kept staring at the dress. Yes, it was wonderful, it was everything I had ever dreamed of. But I had never worn a dress because I was so scared of what other people were going to think of me. But then again, everybody in this church was so open-minded. So Martha was right, why not?

 ''Are you sure?'' I asked Martha. She had a broad smile on her face. ''1000 percent, I made it some time ago from some left over fabric for fun anyways. Let me get it for you.'' She undressed the mannequin and handed me the dress. ''Thank you so much Martha.'' I said, while I walked towards the door. Martha waved at me. ''No, thank you for doing my job, I look forward to working with you when you've finished your education!''

Immediately after that, I went to my room to try the dress on. It was absolutely gorgeous, simple, but gorgeous. It had spaghetti straps, but they stayed in place. The flowerprint that was scattered around made the dress unique. I had never felt more like me in my enitre life. That was mainly because I didn't know who I was. But when I wore this dress, I finally realized who I was. This is me.

With Swiss' pants in my backpack, I walked through the halls of the church. Nobody gave me any weird looks, and a sister of sin even complimented my dress. I had never felt more confident in my entire life.

Swiss' room was in one of the ghoul towers of the church, but luckily his room wasn't that high up so I only had to walk a few stairs. I Knocked on Swiss' door to give him his pants back. When I got no response, I figured he was probably busy making furniture or something, so I put his pants in front of his door so that he'll see it when he got back.

When I got back in The Great Hall to look dor Dewdrop, someone tapped on my shoulder. ''Ah! Dew, you scared me! I was just looking for you!'' I yelled. Dewdrop laughed. ''Yes, but I found you first. Listen, one of the cleaners is cleaning the kitchen right now. So we better hurry to steal her keys, because the cooks will come right after she's done. Also, nice dress.'' His voice was more quiet than normal, because he didn't want anyone eavesdropping. ''Let's go,'' I said, ''hopefully we'll still survive.''

The kitchen's were even bigger than I had imagined they would be. Like everything in the church, it looked like it was made in the middle ages but the technology was actually pretty modern. There were more bronze frying pans hanging on the walls than I could count. There were old fashioned looking pillars that supported the rounded ceilling, and there were a lot of stoves. At the end of the room, there was another exit that lead to the gardens. I knew that Mountain liked to help in the gardens in his free time. Out of all of the rooms I had been in in the church, this one was definitely the most coziest looking.

There was a woman cleaning the counters with a bucket full of soap that smelled like chemical flowers. ''Quick.'' Dewdrop whispered in my ear, while he grabbed my arm and hid behind a counter. You see that counter over there?'' He pointed at one of the counters that were about 6 meters away from us. Something shiny was on them. ''There are the keys. The problem is, she is too close to them, so I'm going to distract her, while you grab the keys.'' ''Why don't you grab the key-'' I whispered, but Dewdrop wasn't listening to me, in fact, he already hid behind the wall behind me. I should have known that I had no say in his plan, and that his plan would be as mischievous as possible.

I stayed low while I made my way towards the next counter. Luckily, the cleaner didn't see me because she was facing the other way. Suddenly, I heard a "PING" coming from behind me. Dewdrop had hit one of the frying pans with a stone. This was the moment when I realized why Dewdrop always got himself in trouble. He wasn't very smart about being sneaky. I could've easily grabbed the keys and made my way out of here without the cleaner ever noticing we were there. But instead she knew now, and was walking towards the pans on the wall.

''Who is there?'' She asked, while I sneaked further towards the keys. When I finally got there, I was so stressed that I grabbed them as fast as possible. "KLING!" Fuck. Shit. Dick. Balls. The keys had fallen on the ground, and I was locking eyes with the cleaner right now. ''This is not what it looks like.'' I said, while I picked up the keys and slowly got up from the ground. The cleaner put her hands on her hips. ''Then what is this then? Because to me, this looks like a teen boy is trying to steal my keys.'' ''I mean, technically, yes, that is what it is. But you don't know why I'm doing this. You see, there's this really creepy guy in the church and my ghoul friends are all uncomfortable whenever he's around. We think he's hiding something, so we're trying to get into his room to find proof.'' The cleaner nodded, ''hm, hm. So you're friends with ghouls huh? Proof it.'' It was at that moment when Dewdrop revealed himself. ''Hey, it's me.'' He said, with an abnormous amount of convidence. ''Oh my Satan, it is you!'' The cleaner yelled excitedly. ''It's really you! Dewdrop from the band!'' Dewdrop chuckled, ''yes, I'm indeed the bassist of Ghost. Can we have your keys now so that we can stop the old creepy guy?'' ''Yes! Of course! you could have just asked, you know.'' ''Thank you!'' Dewdrop said, before we left the kitchen.

''Dewdrop! What the hell was that?'' I asked him, while we were walking in the hallways on our way to mister Robertson's room. ''What? You were the one who almost got us caught, and I got us out of it!'' ''Correction,'' I said, ''I could have just grabbed the keys and made my way out of there, but you had to ruin it by making noises.'' ''It was a distraction!'' ''From what? She was looking the other way you idiot!'' Dewdrop rolled his eyes. ''I know, but it was way more exciting this way!'' ''Whatever, let's just hope that we don't get caught in mister Robertson's room, because we can't always rely on your fangirls.''

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