The Girl Genius (Part 3)

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He could see her mulling over her answer. As if she had a hard time expressing exactly what she was feeling. The frown on her face eventually relaxed and was replaced by a sad smile before she replied.

"I know it sounds silly, but I never realized how ignorant I am. As a noble, I always thought myself to be better educated than most. Now it seems as if I was taught complete lies and half-truths at best.

How could my tutor, my father, hell even my mother, let this happen? Didn't they know better? Or did they willingly let me live in a false reality? Bloody skies, how do I even know if you and Crystal are telling the truth!?"

Agitation crept into her voice as she seethed, making the words sound increasingly shrill. He tried to put himself into her shoes, and could almost imagine how out of control she must feel. Still, he couldn't help but smile before cutting her off.

"Well, nothing to do about that now. Luckily for us, time is still moving forward and we have food and drinks. I'm sure you will figure something out."

Lidea grew deadly silent as she looked at him dumbfounded. Her reaction caused him to laugh with abandon which earned him a glare from the woman in front of him.

"How can you be so carefree!?"

"Don't bother asking. Through the years I have learned that he is insane."

Both of them looked up in surprise as Crystal came to sit across from them, planting a basket in the middle. In her usual fashion, she had managed to not make a single sound as she approached them. A habit formed through her years working in service of the God of night.

"I thought I had told you to start wearing bells. One of these days, you are going to cause someone a heart attack with your sneaking."

She rolled her eyes at him, a grin still on her face before she turned to Lidea. Pointedly ignoring him.

"Are you all right? I heard you shouting?"

The difference in the tone she used for her compared to the one used for him, was almost startling. But then again, Crystal always had a weak spot for younger beings. No matter their race or kind.

Lidea visibly relaxed again in the healer's presence and Warchief was happy to see them getting along well. The woman could use a friend.

"Everything is fine. I was just worrying about how I don't know enough of this world and that grinning bastard kindly informed me that 'I would figure something out'. I don't get how his brain works."

Crystal snorted unladylike at the woman's obvious annoyance. Probably delighted that someone else complained about his attitude for once. Warchief smiled as well, glad to hear her using foul language once more. For a moment there, he had worried that he had saved the wrong woman.

"I just don't see the point of fretting about things that you can't help. Anyway, you are young and can learn from now on. I fail to see the problem?"

He could hear Lidea grunt in exasperation and saw Crystal's grin grow wider. Yes, she was definitely pleased to finally have someone on her side.

"Do you always think as if everything is so simple? Yes, I suppose I can learn. But who will teach me and how do I ensure that I don't get lied to again!?"

Warchief thought for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders. In his eyes, there was little purpose to try and discern the absolute truth. Opinions would always differ between people and even history books were written by someone with an opinion. To him, it was a meaningless endeavor and he rather focused on what he could observe with his own eyes.

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