Road of the Dragon (Part 1)

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During the oppressive rule of the Firestian Empire, when they dominated over half the continent, the Véverikkus were conceived in the heart of their tyrannical capital. One of the nine Firestian leaders embarked on a sinister quest to breed the perfect slaves, ones whose sole purpose was to quench a devil's thirst for blood.

Three centuries of careful breeding gave rise to a people he named Vévirukka, the "flowers of blood." Their pale skin, as delicate as parchment, offered little resistance to a devil's bite, while their eyes and hair spanned a spectrum from brown to the most coveted maroon shades, believed to reflect their divine taste.

Yet, the experiment yielded unforeseen consequences. The mere scent of a Vévirukka could send a devil into madness, and once their blood touched a devil's lips, addiction soon followed. This insatiable craving led to an alarming death toll among the enslaved. Eventually, it was decided that the Vévirukka were reserved exclusively for only the highest-ranking of devils, those who had proven themselves capable of controlling their hunger.

The Empire's brutal dominion met its end when ten provinces banned together and rebelled against the oppressive rule of the nine brothers. In the ensuing negotiations, King Adhémar of the newly formed kingdom of Lynoës stunned all present with his demand. Rather than ask for wealth or land, he demanded the liberation of the Vévirukka, asserting that they shared the same blood as all of them and should no longer be subject to Fireste's dominion.

Thus, the Vévirukka were set free, establishing their own haven in the land of Cinnaber. Renowned for their pacifist ways and remarkable healing abilities, the Vévirukka aid all who cross their borders free of cost, regardless of their past or standing.

~ The History and Peoples of Magic by Sir Rainaldus Gale


Standing at the window of his office, Warchief couldn't prevent himself from repeatedly playing his conversation with Lidea inside of his head. Thinking of what he should have said, or what he should have done. He didn't regret his actions even if the outcome hadn't been what he had hoped for. After all, he wouldn't have known unless he tried. Still, the pain in Lidea's eyes haunted him. Somehow he had forgotten how wary she was when she arrived. Betrayed by all who should have supported her, and having lost all who did. He should have known better, but per usual he had forgotten to consider anyone else's feelings while going off on his own plans.

She hadn't been as angry as he would have expected her to be. Crystal would have shouted at him and ignored him for days until she felt like he had learned his lesson, but not Lidea. She glossed over his secrecy too easily, listening to his reasoning and dissecting it with a cold countenance. Although she acted as if it hadn't mattered, he could feel the distance between them.

After she had fainted, she had even refused to let him accompany her home despite how unsteady she was on her feet. He hadn't wanted to force her acceptance but had watched her walk home from the window, ready to spur into action if he needed to. Even after she had entered her home, he hadn't moved. Still staring at where he had seen her disappear. Guilt gnawing his bones.


Below, the shelter was starting to come alive, making him aware of just how much time had passed.

It made no sense for him to keep moping like this and being upset didn't erase what he had done.

I will make it up to her.

Making his way to the door, his eyes caught the offending letter still lying on the floor. He wanted nothing more than to burn it until there was nothing left, but he knew better. If they could find a strong magician, there was a small chance that they could use a tracking spell to locate the dragon riders. It was doubtful considering no one had been able to find their new location but he couldn't let go of the hope. Knowing that without Cullyun's help, magic would be eradicated in Lynoës and over time, most of Asmeon.

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