How to get killed by your boss, the manual

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7. How to get killed by your boss, the manual

"I'm horny."

Officer Wang Yi Bo spat out the horrible-tasting office coffee he just sipped out of his mug and normally didn't even dare to swallow. However, today, he desperately needed to stay somehow awake and survive Chief Jiang's hastily convened three-hour meeting. (His sleep deprivation of the last forty-eight hours was really no joke, btw)

The brown brew spread evenly all over the table and the laid-out documents and photos. Our poor little Officer choked, coughed heavily and tried his best to prevent his untimely demise, not noticing the several pairs of eyes that stared at him with a slight hint of disgust.

Only Xiao Zhan, being a caring and supportive prime example of a husband and definitely not the cause of all this, just patted his back, surprisingly, without commenting about his… yeah, upgradable table manners.

'I am so going to fucking murder you!'

Well, I guess we lost count, but if looks could kill, Xiao Zhan would already be reduced to a pile of ashes.

The room was silent, and nobody seemed to have heard what the shameless inhuman piece of shit, aka his husband, had whispered indiscreetly to him, and Wang Yi Bo desperately tried to unhear what the bastard had just said. (So much for a prime example…)

After calming down and convincing his lungs that staying inside his body was the only reasonable option for now, he straightened up and looked around, smiling apologetically and embarrassed.

His gaze stopped abruptly at the person on the opposite side of the room, and his once reddened face went paler and paler upon seeing the amount of black clouds forming under the ceiling right over that person's head.

He swallowed with difficulty and glanced highly worried over to Xiao Zhan, only to see that the idiot was now busy folding a paper plane out of one of the documents and didn't notice anything around him. Bastard.

Wang Yi Bo mentally facepalmed, despite the lurking danger sitting only a few meters away.

'What in the name of my poor little ass have I ever done to deserve this pain?'

When Wang Yi Bo looked back to the centre of doom, he had the awful feeling that another pair of ears might be polluted with this short, inappropriate and definitely misplaced statement that literally no one felt the need to know of. (Some readers might disagree here.)

'Is it too late to pray and ask for absolution of my sins?'

"Chicken… I swear…" Chief Jiang's voice was low, almost a whisper when he threateningly slowly pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the desk in front of his seat, not taking his eyes off his opponents.

'Why meeee…?'

In front of his inner eye, he saw his life flash past him at full speed. He stopped breathing and braced himself for the ray of judgment to hit him.


The thunderous voice of Chief Jiang made the room shake like during an earthquake and startled everyone except one individual. Of course…

And Xue Yang, who was peacefully dozing off in a corner unnoticed by everyone and therefore missing Wang Yi Bo's near-death experience, almost jolted out of his seat and looked around confused. He was still a little dizzy, and half of his mind was stuck in the wet dream he just had. He was wearing Wang Yi Bo's bunny ears, and Jiyang was fucking him on the counter of his pharmacy into the next week. Damn what a bad timing.

The super Special Agent raised an eyebrow and looked unimpressed at the source of displayed displeasure and snorted.

"If we were, I wouldn't feel like I do now. So no, we are definitely not!"

Officer Wang and Agent Xiao 2.0 - new case, same fools (ZhanYi - FF)Where stories live. Discover now