Godzilla vs Gamera: The Fate of the World

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Godzilla turned to his allies. "I'll handle him myself! You guys find King Ghidorah, and keep him busy!" he commanded. "What about you?" Mothra asked. Godzilla kissed her. "I'll come for you guys when this is over." he said. They all ran. Rodan, Mothra, and Battra attempted to fly, but many bolts of lightning striking down simultaneously made them rethink their plan.

Godzilla and Gamera stared each other down. "Ye are the cause of all this!" Gamera shouted. "Sounds like something someone who caused all of this would say." Godzilla replied. Gamera roared in fury, and charged at Godzilla. The king of the monsters unleashed a nuclear pulse that sent Gamera flying. "Where hast thou hideth the Super Gyaos?!" Gamera yelled. "The what?" Godzilla shouted. Gamera fired a plasma fireball at him. "Where hast thou hideth it!" Gamera screamed. "I don't even know what you're talking about!" Godzilla yelled. He began charging up his atomic energy, and directed it to his fists and legs.

Godzilla's allies found King Ghidorah. He laughed. "Well it seems my plan to kill Godzilla worked." he said. "You! You're the one behind these crazy weather patterns!" Varan shouted. "Guilty as charged." King Ghidorah replied. Many Vortaak UFOs entered Earth's atmosphere, and began attacking major cities. Project: Mechagodzilla in South Africa had its production doubled as the age minimum was lowered.

 Project: Mechagodzilla in South Africa had its production doubled as the age minimum was lowered

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Godzilla began punching Gamera. The turtle became overloaded with nuclear energy. Gamera roared in fury. He attempted to fire a plasma fireball, but the heavy rain made it hard to see, and he missed.  Godzilla unleashed another nuclear pulse. Lightning struck Godzilla, and overloaded him with electricity! Electrical sparks emerged from Godzilla's dorsal plates as he charged his atomic breath. When he unleashed it, it came out in an electrical wrapped heat ray!

The spiral heat ray cut up Gamera's legs extremely bad! He roared in fury. "Look what thou hast done! Thou hast destroyed the Earth! Thou must cease!" Gamera ordered. "You're the one who must stop!" Godzilla shouted. "Thou must reveal the location of Super Gyaos. Or I shalt killeth thee!" Gamera yelled. Just then, Super Gyaos charged in blasted her super sonic scalpel. "AHA! Thou hast been providing to me a distraction!" Gamera said. "Wait! What?" Godzilla asked. "Hast not thou been hiding the Super Gyaos?" Gamera asked. "I have no idea what Super Gyaos even is!" Godzilla snapped. Super Gyaos landed, and roared out. "So you doth not know what that monster be?" Gamera asked. "Wait, that's a Super Gyaos?" Godzilla laughed. "What hast thou findeth funny?" Gamera asked. "It looks like Rodan got burned to a crisp!" Godzilla chuckled. "Oh, I doth seeth it now." Gamera replied.

Mothra began shedding her scales, creating a 3D mirror around King Ghidorah

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Mothra began shedding her scales, creating a 3D mirror around King Ghidorah. Battra and Rodan fired their beam weapons, and they reflected off the scales and hit King Ghidorah. King Ghidorah roared out, and flapped his wings, thus escaping the 3D mirror. He used a gravity beam to shoot Mothra out of the sky. Luckily, she dodged it.

Godzilla and Gamera decided to team up and defeat Super Gyaos. Gamera unleashed a high plasma fireball, but Super Gyaos flew over it. Godzilla unleashed another spiral heat ray, and turned his head to where Super Gyaos was. After a while, Godzilla stopped firing. "Well that hath been useless." Gamera said. "Look boy, if we're gonna work together, then at least be supportive!" Godzilla snapped. Super Gyaos fired her super sonic scalpel, and the 2 acquaintances retreated. Gamera took flight, but was struck down by lightning. Shortly afterward, Super Gyaos was shot down. More lightning struck Godzilla's dorsal plates, and Godzilla unleashed another spiral heat ray. The beam hit Super Gyaos, and she exploded. Gamera walked over with smoke rising from him. "Now we canst move onward to King Ghidorah." he said. "Right. But if we're gonna defeat him, we gotta be smart about this." Godzilla replied, as a devilish grin crept across his face.

" Godzilla replied, as a devilish grin crept across his face

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King Ghidorah was struck by lightning. Everyone freaked out when he began blasting high energy gravity beams! Anguirus was knocked over, and became blind in one eye, Rodan's wings were cut up, Varan was knocked unconscious, Manda retreated underwater, Baragon retreated underground, and Mothra and Battra were knocked out of the sky! King Ghidorah stomped Battra. He turned to Mothra, and picked her up. "Well it looks like you have a choice." he said. "I w-won't make... it!" Mothra gasped. King Ghidorah chuckled. "You can either be my bride and your pathetic friends die, or you all die!" he cackled. A horrified look came upon Mothra's face. "Tick tock. Tick tock." King Ghidorah said. Just then, Godzilla walked over. King Ghidorah tossed Mothra aside. He began charging his gravity beams. "Aww, your little tails wiggle in the cutest way when you're mad!!" Godzilla cooed. This enraged King Ghidorah. "You will die and stay dead!!" he screamed.

Gamera was creeping up behind King Ghidorah while charging his high plasma fireball. "Aww, your voice makes the cutest high-pitched cracks when you scream!" Godzilla cooed. This enraged King Ghidorah further. And before he even knew it, Gamera blasted him with the high plasma fireball!

 And before he even knew it, Gamera blasted him with the high plasma fireball!

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King Ghidorah struggled for quite some time before he got up on his feet. This made Godzilla and Gamera snicker. "What's so funny?!" King Ghidorah screamed. "Dude, I can do that in record time." Godzilla replied. "I don't even need hands." Gamera said. King Ghidorah roared out in fury! "You will pay for your actions!" he yelled. He took flight. "Wait, isn't that dangerous?" Gamera asked. Lightning struck down, and was absorbed into King Ghidorah, from the claws on his wings. "I will rule this world once you 2 are dead!" he yelled. He began powering his gravity beams. "Try rotating as a spinning disc, and hit him." Godzilla whispered. "What if I get struck?" Gamera asked. "I highly doubt that's possible considering the situation." Godzilla replied. "Fine. But if we die, you're in for it." Gamera said. Gamera took flight, and spun like a saucer.

King Ghidorah scoffed. "You really think you can defeat me?!" he roared. Gamera sped to King Ghidorah, and knocked him out of the sky. King Ghidorah face-planted, and struggled to his feet. This gave Gamera time to circle back. "You're too late! I've already absorbed enough energy!" King Ghidorah boasted. Gamera unsheathed his arms and head, and dive bombed King Ghidorah with a plasma fireball. King Ghidorah fell face-first. "Now is thy chance! Get him!" Gamera shouted. Before King Ghidorah could get up, Godzilla decapitated his middle head with his spiral ray! "No! You fool! What have you done?!" King Ghidorah screamed. Lightning struck the open-wound, and electricity shot out of every orifice!

Lightning shot out uncontrollably from his mouths, nostrils, and eyes! King Ghidorah's insides burned in the extreme heat. When the mess was over, Godzilla blasted a hole through King Ghidorah's chest, killing him. A voice called to Godzilla. "Thank you, brother." it said.

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