Flame:Chapter 6

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So this chapter will be longer....I guesssssss It exciting and romance finally happens YAY!!! get to reading little hoe.


it had allmost been a week of me knowing Harry. I enjoyed staying with him. He was so fun and outgoing. For the past 3 nights, we both stayed up in his living room watching movies and eating crap. Harry tried to cook again and burned the whole batch of cookies. It was now a Saturday afternoon and I met him on a Tuesday. This night was going to be different. He was taking me out. Nothing special.

"Is this the place?" I asked. "yep" he replied,over using his "p" . The place looked so expensive. I didnt know how Harry got enough money to eat here just from working at an art store. "Fancy huh?" He asked. I nodded. It was a hot day,so Harry pushed his curls back with a hair product and looked adorable. He jumped out of the car,and soon came to my side and opened the door. As I walked into the building, I was surrounded by bright lights and pictures. It was crowded, like I had expected so we had to wait 10 minutes before we got our table. But once we finally got one we sat down. I watched as Harry sat down on the other side of the table right infront of me, smiling, watching me with his hands folded under his chin. Giving that cupcake-smile-look. I had no idea why he was doing it, but he sat there for I dont know how long but it was creepy and cute at the same time. "What?" I asked shyly. "ooohhh nothing" He said laughing. For some reason it never came to our minds to order. We just both talked to eachother lost in our conversations. And Harry had very interesting stories. "oh my gosh Harry!" I yelled, dieing of laughter. Harry was the funniest person I had ever met.We were both so loud we caused people to stare. He talked about a story in his past. We laughed, making our abs hurt. "if you two dont settle down soon, im going to have to ask you to leave." a disturbed employee said. "what if I dont want to settle down." Harry asked with risk, playing around with her, making her angry. I laughed under my breath. She looked at Harry angrily and then walked out. "HARRYYY!!" I yelled as I playfully punched his arm from across the table. He snickered. I was nearly peeing on myself from laughing. Once we settled down Harry's face got serious and got ready to speak. "May I really-" Loud slow music started playing. Making Harry discontinue his sentence. "rumor has it!" Harry sang as he got up from his seat. "Oh this is my jam!!" He yelled. The song was a slow adele song. which i had no idea why Harry was getting hyped. I giggled. Harry soon started doing crazy dance moves. He started causing attention, making the whole restaurant look at us giving us faces. his moves were old moves like the worm. And like I said it was a slow song and so Harry looked RETARDED.Making me laugh my eyes out. Everyone else was laughing, but the employees didnt seem to find it that funny. "OHHHH THISSS ISSS MY SSHHHIITTT I LOVE ADELE!!!" he said. It made me choke with laughter. A lady from across the room was drinking and spit her drink out after hearing Harry swear. How could he have the guts to do this? He was the most Outgoing person I had ever met. "Sir, were gonna have to ask you and your lady here to leave." An angry man said. Harry chuckled grabbing my hand as he rushed me out the door. It was almost night and the street lights were starting to come on. "Come on lets go to the beach." Harry said, still my hand in his. We lived in Miami so people went to the beach often. but me, I never usually went. The beach was only about 5 minutes away from the restaurant, so we got there quick. Harry smiled as he looked out onto the setting sun. "Me and my Father used to go here all the time." He said. "Hey.......you never told me about your father." I said. He then stopped smiling. "I dont want to." He said,walking down to the shore. I quickly put my hand on his broad chest, stopping him. "come on Harry. I told you my story." He didnt make any eye contact with me. he just sat down on the sand. Still looking onto the sun. I then sat down next to him. We both sat there in silence for several seconds untill I spoke. "Harry..." I put my Hand on his leg. "Tell me." I begged him just as he begged me. Even though I had no reason to know. But I wanted to know a different story of Harry. He finally looked at me With his bright green eyes. "Okay.....I was close to him. Closer than anyone can be close to anything. I loved him. Loved him more than anyonce can love anything. We Had a lot in common and we spent lots of time together. He is the one who inspired me to do art. We painted everyday 24-7. Its was something We both loved. Something We both did. We also did music too." , "You sing?" I asked. "Yeah but that not the point. But one day and I cant remember why but I got angry at him. causing us to argue. I remember him slamming my door and then leaving for work. But he never came back." Harry squeezed his eyes. and then opened them but seconds after that he looked down not wanting me to see his face. I slowly touched his curls. "Harry..." I whispered. There was another blank,quiet,silence. only hearing the wind blow throw the trees. and the sound of the waves. He finally looked up. and I saw how his eyes were red. And wet. But yet no tears coming out. He continued his story. "My mother, sister, and I had just figured maybe he was working late.

but more hours past.

and he still had not been home.

The next morning. on the news,I saw a man, a familar man, A man in my heart, the man that created me, My father. He got killed in a car crash on his way back from work. it broke all of our hearts especially mine. my last words to him were 'I hate you.' I regreted saying that" He said. He finally looked away from the ocean, and onto my face. His eyes were still wet, but his face had calmed down. The wind blew my red hair back. He then took his large hands and placed them onto my face. I closed my eyes at his gentle touch. Then slowly,I felt warm lips on mine.

Harry kissed me. He really kissed me and it felt like magic, something I never felt run through my system. He let go of my lips and looked at me without words. "W-What was that for?" I asked him while smiling at the amazing action. "I dont know your just......" He looked down and smiled. The wind blew his curls back,showing out his green eyes. "im what?" He slowly looked up at me in the most passionate way making my insides melt. He met my eyes. "Your beautiful......" There was a pause, and then I gave him a big grin. We both watched as the sun fully went down and the moon came out making a reflection in the water.

so theres chapter 6!! hope u like it. Follow me on instagram???? @Harrypenatr8mee

thx <3 :)

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