Flame:chapter 9

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Note: so lately ive been getting alot of followers! And im grateful for that but does that mean that those people are reading your story? I hope so cuz thats all I really want I dont care about votes or followers,i just want people to read my stories and like them! So if you are reading plllleeeaaaasssseeeeeee comment and tell me what you think of the chapter,if I should update more,if I should start writing my others stories "Dickhead" and "that summer..." And "countdown". Yes there is one person and I forgot the username but he or she has been asking me to update and commented about the story and thankfull so thanks!! Okay heres the next chapter ive been stuck on what to write yeaaaaaa.

I woke up back in Harrys bed,warm under the covers. The bright sunlight coming from the window was shining in my face. I yawned. I then turned my head to see Harry sleeping right next to me,lightly snoring. I put my hand on his forehead brushing his curls from his face. He looked adorable when he slept. He was laying on his stomach in his tshirt and boxers sleeping peacefully. I stroked his curls slowly with my fingers. "Harry...." I said in a singing tone. He moved around a little still sleeping. His skin was warm and soft.I said his name again. He slowly opened those green eyes smiling once he saw me. "goodmorning princess." He said. I smilied back still stroking his curls. "normaly I wouldnt get up but for some reason I like waking up to you." He said. I was sitting on his bed indian style facing him. I bent down and kissed his forehead. Then he purposely moved his head to push his lips into mine. There the feeling was again. The feeling in my chest when Harry kissed me. It felt glowing inside like my body was realeasing goodness. He stopped kissing me. His face grew big. "oh crap what time is it!?" He yelled as he jumped up from bed. I looked over at the alarm clock. "11:30 am" I said. "but why?" Harrys face grew even bigger as he ran to his closet. "i have work in 15 minutes and its a 30 minute drive there!" he yelled as he threw clothes every where. "but you haven't been to work all week why all of a sudden you have to go?" I said,confused. "because I have work every Monday,Wednesday,and sometimes Saturdays. But I've been skipping work to stay with you." I huge smile grew on my face. "aww really Harry you didn't have to do that" He was not going to work because he wanted to spend time with me and I love that but now he might lose job for not being there for 3 days and then showing up late when he comes back. "Yeah but I wanted too."He said as he lifted his shirt off. I smirk grew on my face as my mind blew. He was so in shape! His chest was so buff and he had a hard six back. and below was that v-line....omg I might of fainted. I was glad he didnt look like those big and buff guys that looked like hulk. He had the perfect amount of muscles his body was similar to Taylor Launters.But maybe just a little bit slimmer. His skin was so toned and perfectly tan. "ahh so you like this?"He asked. I got embarrassed when I realized I was starring at him. oops! He laughed. "Harry just get ready so you want be so late.''I said with a little giggle.He walked into the bathroom. I looked down,seeing what I was wearing I smiled as I looked at it. Harry let me wear his tshirt that was green and had a guitar on it. I wore short black shorts from Harry's sisters closet. I still didn't feel comfortable in them but Harry said my legs looked long and wonderful and then he told me how beautiful my body was. I remember kissing him again after that and then we had small conversations before we went to sleep. He then quickly came out of the bathroom scanning for his shoes. "Harry I want to go to your job." I said. When he finally found some shoes he ran out the room and down stairs. "Where are my keys!!??" I heard him yell. I giggled,running down stairs after him. He was looking under the sofa and between the pillows. When I just walked over to the counter where he had left them. He smiled grateful and a little embarrassed at how he was being a little irresponsible but I thought it was cute. He walked over to me and took the keys. "Harry...can I go to your job with you?" I asked again. "I don't do art May. All we do is sell art supplies. It wouldnt be fun for you." , "So." he sighed. "May I don't want you to leave this house anymore. The whole city is on the lookout for you. If you go out and someone recognizes you,they will take you back to your father." He quickly kissed my forehead as I nodded. "Now don't go anywhere. Ill be back around 4 or 5" He said before opening the door and quickly running outside to his car. I was now left alone in Harry's house. I couldn't wait till I was 18 so if my anyone found me I didn't have to stay with my father. I would stay with Harry. Jupie came and rolled over on his back for me to scratch his tummy. He allways loved that. I walked up stairs to the closet full of Harry's sister's clothes picking out a simple out fit. I chose a pink fiting shirt and blue skinny jeans. I walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the water on Hot just the way I liked it. I slipped my clothing off and looked at my naked self in the mirror. My red hair reaching waist. I was happy with my body. There were so many females that thought they were overweight. They would die from not eating. I looked at my face lightly with freckles on my nose. My eyes were a bright blue something I got from my mother along with my hair. I didn't want to waste the hot water so I got in,the shower being the only place where I can think clearly. Each thought ran through my head as the steaming water rained on my body.

yes I know short chapter and I felt like this chapter wasnt too good.

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