Flame:Chapter 8

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"May!, You ready?" Harry called from downstairs. As I looked through the closet filled with Harry's sister old clothes, They weren't things that I would wear. "Ummmm, no offence Harry, but was your sister a prostitute???" I said laughing. I could soon hear Harry's foot steps coming up stairs. "Hahaaaaa, no." He laughed to. "She dressed a little to bit over the top." He said. All of her clothes showed lots of skin. Short skirts, short shorts, strappless tops, tight tops. I could soon feel Harry right behinde me. "come on May were already 30 minutes late." I quickly grabbed the least sluty-ish dress. "fine ill wear this." I went into the bathroom and changed. It was a baby blue dress that came inches before my knee. The shape of a heart with cutout in the back showing my skin. She left behind 3 pairs of shoes, thankfully they were close enough to my size. I put on black flats. I didn't want to wear my natural wavy hair down so I had to put my hair up in a styled bun because sadly she didn't leave behind a straightener. I walked out of the bathroom to see Harry, feet from the door waiting for me. He smiled. "you look beautiful, my love." , "thank you." , "You ready?" He asked. I nodded.

"This is a big place." I said, as we pulled up to a huge 2 or 3 story house. There were many cars lined infront of us and even parked in the grass. Many young people were walking in half dressed. Guys with no shirts. girls with barely even.....can I call them skirts? There were people on the yard either dancing, talking,or running around like they were 5. And I could hear the music. I had not even noticed that Harry got out of the car untill my door was opened by him. He reached for my hand. "Come on, princess." He said softly. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the loud house. We were surrounded by many crowded people. Holding drinks in their hands, dancing on people, or making out. The lights were crazy flashing colors on our faces. Everyone moved their bodies to the song that was playing extremely loud, harlem shake. I could feel the vibration of the music as each beat went. Harry was holding tightly onto my hand. I felt a touch on my back. "Do you want to dance sugar?" a random girl asked as she sexually danced on me. I immediately felt uncomfortable. Her fake ice blonde hair swung in my face. Her perfume was strong and she applied way too much. "ummmm, no thanks." I said. I heard Harry laugh. This party was crazy. "I'm going to go get us some drinks" Harry said as he let go of my hand. As Harry walked away to get our drinks, I went and sat down, not really a party person. I sat a away from the crowd in a red plastic chair next to the food trays. I took a couple crackers from the boul and ate some. a familiar face was seen in my eyes. He scratched his blonde bieber hair and tilted his head at me. It was Joe. When he recognized who I was he smiled. "Hey!, your that girl that passed out infront of Harry's house!" He yelled. I could tell he was completely drunk as he swung the beer in his hand. "Yeah I am." I said. "So how did you find out about my party?" He asked. "ummm, Harry......" I said. "Oh so your good friends with him now?" , "uh yeah I guess, well I'm living with him." His eyes grew big. "DAMN! your living with him that fast? Shiittt Harry sure can pull a girl with that face of his." He said as he chuckled, taking a sip from his beer. I laughed. "No I have no where else to live." ,"Ohhhh" He said, understanding. "Yeah its a long and complicated story so don't ask." I said. "So you uh, datin him now?" He asked. I was going to answer quickly with a "no", but then I thought about. We weren't dating but I guess we had a thing for each other. I mean We hold hands, he is constantly complementing me, and we kissed on the beach. We haven't really said anything for eachother and I have only known him for about a week. I think Harry is the most Charming guy that I have ever seen yeah. I think he is very sweet. But I guess he is slow at relationships, maybe he's waiting to get to know me better. I guess were just romantic interests. "Um I don't know joe." , "Wat ya mean ya don't know? if ya fuck ya fuck if ya don't ya don't." He said with a giggle. "nooo its not like that." I said in a laughing tone. "Well if you do ever date him, your a lucky girl." , "why?" i asked. "Harry's not like most men. He knows how to treat a girl. He protects her. He loves her. Gives her what she deserves. Oh I remember Harry wouldn't like any of the girls in high school. They were never his type. He looks for a sweet soft loving girl. Not a hore. I respect that, I respect that. But I could never be that way. Not a lot of men are like Harry, you know." He said as he took a big gulp from his beer again. I smiled at the things he said. I always wanted a guy like that. And he was right, there aren't a lot of men like that, Like Harry. Harry then came with our drinks. he smiled at Joe and then handed me my cup of punch. "You liking the party so Far?" Harry asked. I took a sip from my drink. "Not really. I'm not the party type." His facial expression changed, and I could tell he had an Idea. He sat his cup down and grabbed my hand. I quickly sat my drink down while Harry pulled me into the crowd. The song that was still playing loudly was harlem shake as everyone wiggled their bodies. Harry then started doing the "Humper" Dance. like what everyone does in the harlem shake videos. "Come one May, babe!!! Dannnncce" He said. I laughed as I moved a little. "That's not enough.Move your boddyyy!!" He said. I gave him another laugh but I was still to shy to all crazy out of no where. "DO THE HARLEM SHAKE" the music said as it bursted in all kinds of loud sounds. Everyone around danced crazier, losing control. Its like their energy passed on to me making me dance like crazy person. I danced around on Harry. "THATS IT" He said laughing. He continued to do the "Humper" dance as I copied the girls around me.Who were dancing in a crazy but still cute way. "WOOOOOOO!" Harry yelled, making me have a second thought on what he was drinking. hmmmm haha. Other songs played by famous artist. Me and Harry both enjoyed our time on the dance floor. There we're playfull dance battles between us two. It made me laugh as he TRIED to twerk on me as the song "BOOTY HOPSCOTCH" played. We both danced infront of each other as "Gangman style" Played. The exciting songs went off as a slow song came on, me and Harry exhausted from dancing as we walked out of the crowd. "THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE COUPLES OUT THERE." the DJ said. Harry and I were halfway out of the crowd until he stopped and reconized the lyrics. "I love this song sooooo sooo sooo much" He said. "You love Ed sheeran to?" I asked. "Yes!!! we have to dance out there." He said as he pulled me back into the smaller crowd with slow dancing couples. He put his arm around my waist, getting a grip of my hips as I put my arms around his neck one of my hands stroking his curls. He pushed me into him closer. He smiled. "My night gets better and better." He said. I didn't know what to say so I just gave him a grin as the butterfly feeling grew in my stomach and my heart ached to kiss him. The lights were moving gracefully around us in the soft colors of white and light blue. "May I think your the most beautiful girl I've ever met. And it not just your beauty that I'm attacted to. Your laugh, the way your shyness shows, Your sweet, kind personality, The way you seem so innocent, like an angel,with amazing red hair. Your eyes, I can't stop looking into them, they take me into a different world. May I've only known you for about a week and its been the most wonderful week of my life, and I really like you." He said. My throat dried at his words. He made me feel so great inside. Its was nice to know how he felt. I smiled back at him, and I could tell my shyness showed again. "I-I like you too. A lot." He moved his arms up higher around my shoulders to push me even closer. I felt his soft lips again on mine. I loved the way it felt. It felt like everything good, Heaven. It made my body feel weak like love had beaten me down. We continued to kiss which turned into slow making out. As The music of Ed sheeran's voice played

"And that ill fight my corner,and that tonight ill call ya,after my blood turns into alcohol,noo I just want to hold yaaaaaaa,Give a little time to me,or burn this out,well play hide and seek,to turn this around,All I want is the taste that your lips allow,My My My My oh,Give me love,My my my my oh,give me love." it played.

(A couple hours later at Harrys house)

On our way back into Harry's house,We kissed eachother giggling our ways into the house. I loved kissing Harry. His lips were so soft and had a tiny taste of sweetness left on them. Guessing from the chapstick he used. One arm of his was around me as he used the other to throw his keys onto the counter. He then put that arm around my neck. My arms were wrapped tightly around his waist. Each time he stopped kissing for air,he would look at me and chuckle and then continue.A familar voice on the TV in the living room stopped me from kissing and caused me to turn my head around. The familar man was talking on the news. "When did she disappear sir?" a man with a microphone asked. My heart sunk. My eyes widened. My body froze. It was my father looking for me. "about a week ago. and I truly miss her."He said. I narrowed my eyes. How could he miss me wouldn't his life be Better without me? Harry took one arm off of me. "Is that your father?" Harry asked. I nodded as I walked over to the TV,sitting down ,my eyes only interested in it. I listened to how he described me,many pictures of me in a slideshow on the screen. "shit" I murmured to myself. They could easily find me. I didn't want to leave I loved my life now,with Harry. "May if your out there I miss you and your everything to me" He said. I quickly grabbed the closest pillow to me and angrily threw it at the TV. "YOUR EVERYTHING TO ME MY ASS!" I yelled. I heard Harry's laugh behind me. I laughed with him and then got serious. "Harry its not funny! What if they find me!?" Harry didn't seem to be as worried as I was. "When do you turn 18?" He asked. " 2 months. But why?" I asked as i shut off the tv. He bent down and grabbed my hands,standing me up. "Because once your 18,your an adult and you wont be forced to live with him anymore." He said as he moved my hair from my face. I nodded. "And its only 2 months so we can make sure no one finds you." I nodded again smiling. "Now lets go to bed its late." He said. "okkaayyy"I said as I walked away from him to go upstairs. Harry was then quickly behind me before I could even but my foot on the steps. He stood closely behind me,wrapping his arms around my stomach. He allways smelled like vanilla for some reason and it was cute. He moved my hair away from my skin putting it behind my ear and kissed my neck. I giggled,his warm lips tickling on my skin. He then unexpectedly picked me up bridal style. "Woe!"I yelled. He was strong.Still surprising. He then carried me upstairs so we could go to sleep.

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