Chapter 9

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The assembly had gathered at first light when streams of auburn glow flooded into the grand courtyard of the Kadeshi palace. Tiny droplets of crystalline dew clung to the capitals of the large limestone columns, which shone in the light.

Puduhepa stood solemnly with her daughter as the caravan converged. So large was the procession it filed out of the courtyard and into the streets of Kadesh, where the eager public awaited. After many days of arduous preparation, things were set in motion. All the Egyptians and the small Hatti delegate to join them were ready for the journey.

Malawashina sighed inwardly and, with this, looked over at her little friend Utati who was waiting nearby them silently for her next orders. Utati's demeanour was surprisingly still despite the mixture of emotions engulfing them both. They had been up before the sun had risen from its slumber. They were excited to be going to the glorious land of the Nile finally. Yet, deep in their hearts, they dreaded knowing they would never see their beloved homeland again. However, if it meant escaping Mursili's grasp, it was a welcomed sacrifice.

Malawashina also knew the time for farewells had come. Yet, her vision now focused on the Minister and the Prince stepping up to greet them.

The Minister's beautiful emerald orbs sparkled in the sun, and his natural deep auburn hair gleamed from the wakening rays. He and the rest of the congregation were dressed in the wealthiest fineries of Egypt; bleached linen skirts adorned with gold-laced sashes of blues, greens and deep violets. Each wore a great collar of precious sparkling jewels upon his shoulders, and most wore finely woven wigs entwined with even more gold. The finest costumes of her people were also worn to mark the grand occasion of their departure; bright white linen with thick, wide sashes draped over their shoulders in deep checkered colours.

The Minister was now speaking as he stood beside the young Egyptian Prince, and Malawashina finally came out of her mind to listen;

"The mighty land of Egypt, and her ruler, Usermaatre Setepenre, great Pharaoh Ramses Meriamun, thus promises upon his honour under all the eyes of the gods of Egypt and all the eyes of the gods of Hatti that he will uphold the peace written and signed between our two great nations. Furthermore, the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt, Ramses Meriamun, also promises that anyone who flees the judgment of his brother, the great king of Hatti land, the honourable king Mursili, and enters Egypt, shall be captured and sent forthwith back to Hattusa under heavily armed guard...."

Malawashina blanched at the mention of his name. Her mind drifted for a moment, but the Minister's voice returned her to the reality before her.

"The mighty Pharaoh of Egypt also promises to come to the aid of the great Hatti land, her trusted ally, in the case of lesser nations threatening her and her borders. The mighty Pharaoh of the great land of Egypt will smite all enemies and show no mercy to those foolish enough to threaten her allies."

Puduhepa nodded in acknowledgment before spreading her arms out in a sign of assent.

"On behalf of the great king of Hatti land, Mursili, third of his name, I swear upon the names of all the gods of Hatti, and all the gods of Egypt, that we, too, uphold our side of the treaty which was agreed upon by our two great leaders. If any Egyptian is to dissent to our land, we will promptly return them to their fate for the mighty Pharaoh Ramses Meriamun to determine. We, too, promise to come to the aid of the great land of Egypt lest her enemies threaten her or her borders. To seal this most glorious treaty, I now hand over the Princess of Hatti Land, the beloved daughter of Lord and General Hattusili and my daughter, Malawashina, to be taken to the land of Egypt to wed the mighty Pharaoh Ramses Meriamun upon the beginning of the festival of Min." With those words hanging upon the Princess's ears, Puduhepa took her gently by the hand and led her to the awaiting litter.

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