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(1A dorms)

Nezu placed the disc in the player and went back and sat in an empty chair. Then once he was comfortable enough he pressed play on the remote and the screen came to life.

The scene opened up in All Might's cabin, where Izuku and All Might were seated facing each other.

All Might's eyes widened as soon as the scene appeared on the screen. He could vividly recall being in that room and in that exact situation just yesterday.

Then he remembered the letter that came with this disc, which stated, 'The history mirrors yours until the events of yesterday, where the divergence occurred.'

'I see, that's why it looks so familiar,' Yagi thought to himself. However, he also remembered the troublesome consequences this viewing would bring. 'One for All will be revealed to everyone here,' Yagi sighed. It was not the ideal way for everyone to learn about Izuku's quirk, especially when he was not present.

He generally had the patience of a saint but today he was finding it was being drawn thin.

"Looks like Bakugo must be around then," Jiro said which earned her a glare from Bakugo.

"That's not nice Jiro," Mina frowned, "you can't blame Bakugo every time Midoriya is upset about something."

What should have been a simple fifteen-minute conversation had been dragged to over an hour because a certain explosive blonde couldn't stop making snide comments or pulling every little thing into how great he thought he was.

You were saying," Jiro prompted, glancing at Mina, who averted her eyes.

He wished he'd realized how toxic his middle school had been, making every little thing out to be his fault.

This caught everyone's attention, particularly those who were close to Izuku.

Meanwhile, Kirishima, who was sitting next to Bakugo, noticed that he had become fidgety all of a sudden.

But Izuku knew he wasn't entirely faultless in this. He'd been complicit in enabling his former friend's behavior whenever he made everything about himself.

"Wow! Midoriya really has some strong opinions, huh?" Kaminari joked, not a fan of how tense everyone suddenly was.

On the other hand, Momo gazed at the screen with a mix of intrigue and concern in her eyes. It was fascinating to see the inner thoughts of a friend who always wore a smile in every situation, but what she was hearing made her worry as well.

These meetings were supposed to be about him and his quirk, which obviously he couldn't stand.

"What exactly are these meetings about?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at All Might. "And why am I, his homeroom teacher, not included in these discussions if you're talking about his self-destructive quirk?"

"There's a reason why no one except Bakugo is aware of these meetings," All Might replied. "And based on what we're seeing on the screen, I'm sure you'll understand soon enough."

"What? Are you serious?" Bakugo glared at All Might. "You really want these idiots to know your secret."

"Bakugo, watch your language," Nezu said in a stern voice. "Remember that the people you're referring to as idiots also include your teachers, and unlike your peers, we won't tolerate any insults. Is that clear?"

"Yes," Bakugo replied, avoiding eye contact with the principal.

To be honest the only reason he even bothered calling him was that he was the only person in his class that knew the truth.

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