Hisashi Midoriya!

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(Midoriya House)


It has been an hour since Hisashi Midoriya, Izuku's father, had arrived. During that time, he had freshened up, chatted with Inko, and for the last half-hour, sat in front of Izuku while enjoying his wife's delicious cooking and looking at his phone while also keeping tabs on his son.

Meanwhile, Izuku was starting to feel uncomfortable with the silence that lingered between him and his father. Don't get him wrong, he loved his father and was always thrilled when he visited, but today was different. After the drama that had unfolded at school yesterday, he just wanted to be alone. However, he also didn't want to act rude to his father, who rarely had the chance to visit them.

"Dad, how's work going?" Izuku winced, realizing how awkward he had sounded just now.

"It's great, you know," Hisashi set down his phone and looked at Izuku with a smile. "My boss is really proud of the work I am doing for him and his team."

"I'm glad," Izuku returned the smile. "But I'll be even happier if you could tell us who this mysterious boss of yours is."

"Nice try, kiddo, but as I said before, I can't tell you unless I retire from my position," Hisashi leaned forward and ruffled Izuku's hair. "Besides, you have no idea how many security clearances I had to get just to come here."

"I'm pretty sure your boss is some pretty woman you can't take your eyes off," Inko pouted.

"You know that's not the case dear," Hisashi said with an exasperated sigh. "And I already told you that my boss is a man and a very famous man at that. And why would I even look at other women when I have a beautiful, loving, and caring wife like you," Hisashi added with a wink.

"Hisashi stop!" Inko blushed. "Not in front of Izuku!"

Hisashi laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on! I am pretty sure Izuku has a sweetheart of his own," he said, glancing over at his son. But Izuku appeared lost in thought as if the conversation had slipped past him.

The playful atmosphere vanished as Hisashi caught sight of Inko's worried expression. She was clearly concerned about her son's demeanor, and Hisashi couldn't help but wonder what could have brought him down since he returned from school. Feeling at a loss, he decided to brainstorm some ideas and see if anything would stick.

"Izuku... Izuku...," after calling his son's name twice with no response, Hisashi tried again. "Izuku,' he said, a little louder this time. Finally, Izuku snapped back to reality.

'Y-yes, Dad?' he asked, sounding a bit dazed. "Do you need something?"

"I was saying, why don't we check out that famous restaurant I've heard so much about?" Hisashi suggested, looking eager. "I've also heard they serve the best Katsudon in the country."

Izuku shook his head. "Sorry, Dad, but I don't feel like going out today," he replied. His tone was apologetic, but firm.

"Then how about we rent a movie?" Hisashi threw another suggestion, "you know what I have got an even better idea. Why don't we do a movie marathon of all the All Might classic movies you like."

"Great idea, dear," Inko chimed in. "You go grab the movies while I make Katsudon, just the way Izuku likes it."

"Mom, Dad there is no need for that," Izuku dismissed their suggestions with a slightly agitated tone.

"Then what about ice cream? We can surely get some-" Hisashi began, but was interrupted by his son's pleading tone.

"Dad, please," Izuku said, his voice rising a little before he quickly brought it back down. "Please..." His voice trailed off into a whimper, conveying a sense of deep distress.

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