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"No..." Bakugo mumbled with distant fear in his voice.

This was in the past, and they weren't supposed to know about it. No, this was supposed to be a secret between him and Deku. But that bastard Deku had to go and ruin it by telling Round Cheeks, who was now walking toward him with a murderous gaze in her eyes.

"Tsu, stop Uraraka before she does something that she will regret later," Iida said as he tightly held Shoto, even though he felt frostbite giving him a cold sensation in his hand.

"I don't think I want to," Tsu said as her eyes held a murderous rage, the same as Ochako's, "and I can assure you that she won't regret a single thing she is going to do to him."

"That's not the point," Iida said, "Todoroki stop using your quirk!"

Meanwhile, Uraraka continued walking toward Bakugo until she was interrupted by their vice president.

"Uraraka, I know you are angry... I am as well, but please calm down," Momo gently grabbed her hands. "Please stop, you are not thinking straight right now. You might do something that will ruin your career."

"If it was one of us, Izuku wouldn't have cared about that," Uraraka said between sobs and angry growls.

"I know, but Midoriya wouldn't want you to ruin your career for him," Momo said, this time with a much softer voice. "Please calm down, Uraraka, please," she said and hugged her friend.

While the vice president managed to calm one of her pink-themed heroine friends, she totally missed her other pink friend, who was standing in front of her brash-blond classmate, looking at him with tears, anger, and frustration in her eyes. Then she raised her hand and was about to slap him when Kirishima held her hand.

"Wait a minute, Ashido," Kirishima pleaded, "we need to hear his side of the story as well."

"What's more there to listen, huh?" Mina asked enraged, "isn't it clear that Bakugo is just a bully who is pretending to be a hero."

"Mina I-"

"Silence," Nezu yelled, effectively bringing silence to the room, "everyone back to your seats." Once everyone was seated Nezu continued, "I will allow you all to express your resentment verbally, I will even overlook the use of strong language but I will not allow any of you to get physical with each other, am I clear?" Nezu said in a stern and strong voice.

"Of course, Bakugo must be excluded from this exception," Ochako muttered in a bitter voice.

"I understand, why you feel like that," Nezu subtly glanced at Aizawa, "but rest assured that these rules apply to everyone without expectation. Now Bakugo-"

Before Nezu could complete his sentence All Might walked toward Bakugo and stood up in front of him, "Bakugo did you tell young Midoriya to kill himself?" he asked in a stoic voice.

A clever part of Bakugo's brain urged him to tell All Might that he never meant to say those things to Deku. He could explain that it had just slipped out and that he was really trying to improve their relationship. He could express regret for everything he had done and said to Deku. He knew that saying those simple words would reduce a lot of people's anger toward him, and some might even stand by his side.

But the prideful side of him will never allow him to admit that he's wrong, because admitting defeat goes against his idea of being a hero who never loses. Then he thought, 'what's the worst that could happen?' It's not like U.A. will kick him out, after all, he's going to be the next No.1 hero. And he's already told himself that these extras don't matter, so who cares if they like him or not?

So he wore his prideful and arrogant mask and looked at All Might with a defiant expression on his face, "so what? Not like anyone cared back then."

"That's it, Iida. You go and break his face or I will knock his teeth out," Ochako said, struggling against Momo's restraint.

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