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"Sir, is he all right?" asked Kirishima as Aizawa emerged from Bakugo's room after laying him on his bed. Nemuri and All Might joined them outside Bakugo's room, while Nezu stayed in the common room to look after the rest of the students.

"He'll be all right," Aizawa replied. "Recovery Girl said it was just a minor panic attack. He'll be fine after resting for the night."

"Ok," Kirishima sighed in relief.

"But I wonder, was just seeing himself get punished enough for Bakugo to cause a panic like that?" All Might asked.

"I think it was a combination of seeing himself facing the consequences of his actions and watching his dream go up in flames like that," Nemuri suggested.

"Anyway, let's get back down. It's already 7 P.M. and we need to finish the last episode," Aizawa said, starting to walk away, but he was stopped by Kirishima.

"Sir can stay with him?" Kirishima asked.

"You don't need to. The medication that Recovery Girl gave him is strong, so he won't wake up until tomorrow," Aizawa replied. "However, I will allow you to watch over him tonight. Right now, you'll come with us to watch the last episode."

"Thank you, sir," Kirishima bowed and followed the rest of the teachers downstairs. Once they arrived, they explained the situation to Nezu and the rest of the class before continuing with the final episode.



There wasn't much time left for their final exams Having failed the previous term exams, Eijirou was determined to do his best this time around. He'd learned so much since then - having faced the Summer Camp Incident, interned under Fatgum, and been a part of the raid on the Shiei Hassaikai. He'd felt like he'd grown a lot and he was determined to prove it. That was nearly enough of a distraction from the whole Bakugou situation.

"Yeah, I really need to give it my all this time," Kirishima said with determined eyes but then a thought crossed his mind. 'Bakugo was given a chance to pass despite failing the exam. Why not us? Why do we get a fail mark on our records and not him?' He tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the screen in front of him.

The Mina situation however was definitely enough. She'd been very insistent they spend a lot more time together. He just wished he had more of a clue about what to do...he'd never dated anyone before and even though he got along with her so well, things were beyond awkward. On their first date, he'd hardly managed to get a word out having been beyond nervous the entire time. He had to go make things worse by trying overly hard to impress her towards the end only ending up making a fool of himself.

He'd been so convinced she regretted it and wouldn't want another one...only for her to give him a little peck on the cheek and tell him she was looking forward to the next one. Oh boy...he was beyond excited and was planning on asking her out again this weekend. He wouldn't screw it up this time – he'd give her the best date ever!

Mina stared at the screen with a sad smile on her face. Unlike Ochako, she wasn't someone who denied her feelings or acted oblivious towards them. She knew that she felt something for Kirishima, but she wouldn't act on those feelings until Kirishima understands that the guy he is siding with is beyond help.

He was shoved to the side breaking him from his thoughts. He sighed when he caught sight of spiky blonde hair. He pretty much just ignored everyone now and seemed doubly focused on his studies and training. 

"None of this would have happened if he had acted like this from the very beginning," Ochako said.

It was a little sad because he wasn't being graded on anything...Eijirou knew he was trying to give it everything he had in an attempt to persuade the staff that he should stay on.

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