08 - respect

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fourth's pov

I woke up and got ready for school the same way as always. I was in a pretty good mood. I went downstairs and saw that my mom was there. lee was there too.

"good morning honey." she said and I said it back. "I'm going out to school now." I said and my mom stopped me. "wait." she said and I was confused. that's when phat came out of the bathroom and saw me. and I saw him. "huh? what is he doing here?" he asked and Lee looked at him. "he's gia's (ik that's not his mom's name I'm making the parents up cause I don't want to talk about their actual real life families in this fanfic!!) son. why?" he asked and phat rolled his eyes. "no reason. come on let's just leave. loser." he said the last part under his breath, but I could hear it.

I put my shoes on and left the house, phat behind me. when we left he stopped me. "just because our parents are getting married it doesn't mean I'm gonna be any nicer to you. and if you tell my dad or your mom about anything I will kill you. and do not talk to me at school. do you understand?" he asked and I just looked at him and nodded. "okay." I said and he scoffed and pushed me, then he walked away. and I just walked behind him, keeping my distance.


when I got to school, phat left with his parents and I just went to my locker and put my books inside. when I closed my locker, I got started when I saw someone standing there. it was gemini.

"holy shit- you scared me." I said, holding a hand to my chest a bit. he just chuckled. "good morning. I'm sorry." he said and I just smiled. "it's okay. good morning." I said and leaned on my locker. I looked at him and smiled. "what are you smiling at?" he asked and I just looked away. "nothing." I said and he laughed. "okay come on. I'll walk you to class." he said and we started walking.

everyone was staring at us. whispering. I heard someone. "what is gemini doing with him? isn't he afraid he's gonna get the disease?" the girl said and then giggled. I looked at her. gemini just looked at me. "don't listen to them." he said and I nodded.


when it was lunch break, I sat down in my usual place, then I saw phat, pring and way walk over. shit.

"hey, loser." said phat. "what do you want this time?" I asked and he glared at me. he grabbed me by the collar and looked at me dead in the eye. "what did you say? don't use that attitude around me. understand?" he said and I nodded. I didn't want him to do anything. he let go and stared at me. "I think you deserve something." he said and I looked at him, confused.

then he took the food off his plate and smeared it on my face. I just stood there. I couldn't do anything. if I did he would go too far. "hm, wait." he said and looked at me. he then smeared it on my hair aswell. then he just laughed with his friends and left.

I sat there for a second before I ran out of the cafeteria, bumping into gemini but ignoring him and going to the bathroom. I immediately started to wash the food off my face, then off my hair. it got on my uniform a bit and I tried to clean it off but I just smeared it even more.

my hair was now damp as if I just got out of the shower. and then someone came in. it was a random boy. he looked at me weirdly and just went into a stall. I also did. when I heard he left I just started crying.

then I heard the door open again. but this time it wasn't just anyone. it was gemini. "fourth are you in here?" he said and I think he could hear my breathing, since it was more unstable than my mental health.

he knocked on the door of the stall I was in and I sighed. "what is it?" I said, my voice obviously sounding terrible. "can I come in?" he asked and I hummed. then he came inside and looked at me. "what happened?" he asked and I looked up at him. "nothing." "how nothing, you're crying." he said.

"why are you all wet?" he asked, I grabbed my hair and sighed. "I was just washing my face and hair." I said and he was confused. "why?" "cause phat covered me in food. like look." I said, my voice breaking, and pointed to my shirt.

he looked at it, then me. "that fucking asshole." he said and left the stall. I got up from the toilet and went after him. "gem wait no." I said but he didn't really listen to me.

he walked into the cafeteria and went to phat's table. he grabbed him by the shirt and punched him.

gemini's pov

I punched him. "what the fuck dude?" he yelled and put his hand on his cheek. "what was that for?" he asked and I just punched him again. "you know damn well what it was for. you stupid little, disrespectful asshole." I said and he got up and looked at me. "what did you just say to me, bitch?" he asked. "you heard me. don't make me repeat it." I said and he scoffed and threw a punch that I wasn't expecting.

I put my hand over my nose, that started bleeding now. I saw fourth, looking terrified. "why are you picking a fight, huh?" he asked and I glared at him. "why are you bullying people for no reason?" I asked and he just looked at me. "what do you- ohhh. you mean that little twig?" he said and I fought the urge to beat the shit out of him.

"don't talk about him like that. you're acting as if you aren't the biggest twig in this whole school." I said and he chuckled. then fourth walked over. "guys let's not fight-" he said and phat just cut him off. "I'll fight if I want to, okay?" he said and I got a bit mad. "plus he picked the fight. and you're a huge twig and manage your situations by yourself so you're looking for you little boyfriend here to be your problem solver." he said and that's when I think he crossed the line.

I punched him again, and he did too. I kept on beating him up, how can he talk about fourth like that?

when I finished, my eye was a bit bruised and my nose was bleeding. I looked at him and his face wasn't looking the best. "next time learn to not bully people." I said and grabbed fourth then I walked away. He was visibly shaking. there were a lot of people around us.


fourth's pov

he dragged me out and I looked at him. "gem, why did you do that?" I asked him and put my hand on his cheek. he just looked at me. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't take him saying all that shit to you." he said and I smiled a bit. "it's okay. come on, let's go get you cleaned up."


we went to the bathroom and I cleaned his face, his nose wasn't bleeding anymore but his eye was still a bit purple. I looked at him and hugged him. "you didn't have to do that." I said and he hugged me back. "it's okay. I'm fine. let's just go to class.


that's the end of the chapter. pretty solid one. a fight yay.

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