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Aliya's POV
Hogwarts - September 1996

"Help me! Stop! Please, I beg you!"
I wake up soaked in sweat. Again. This has been going on for the last few nights. I hate nightmares. My alarm clock goes off in two hours, but sleeping again after a dream like this is impossible.

The cold water on my skin makes me shiver. I try to turn up the temperature of the shower, but it isn't working. I sit down under the cold stream. My hair is soaked after one second. I think about what I have to do today. Today is my first potions class. Daphne told me that Professor Snape is okay, especially to us Slytherins, because we are his house. I want to make a good impression. I am scared that I won't be good enough. In Ilvermorny we often skipped potions, because the teacher was horrible. Daphne warned me that skipping a class here is almost impossible without consequences. I only hung around with her the last few days. I feel like she has a true heart. I am so cold by now. I quickly finish my shower.

Since I am so scared of potions, I thought it would be a good idea to study before class. Thanks to my sleeping struggle I have an hour left before class. I heard about the huge library, but I didn't expect it to be this big. It's almost empty. I only see two people sitting at the tables. I recognize one of them. It's a Gryffindor girl called Hermione Granger. Daphne hates her because Hermione knows everything. I walk away from her and look for the section with potion books. While I wander through the huge bookshelves, I come across a few books that arouse my interest. "Voldemort's fall," I read a title out loud. I look around to make sure that no one heard me. Dad told me about this case because he was a part of this. I grab a book and look for a quiet corner.

Shit, I am going to be late. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I toss the book away and just start running. Luckily I know where the classroom is. I storm in just in time. The Professor isn't here yet. I look around for a seat. Everyone is chatting. No one pays attention to me and my helplessness. I see Daphne between two girls, one Gryffindor, and one Ravenclaw. They must be the Patli twins. Daphne told me they are pretty nice and she gets along well with them. I want to sit near them so I am not completely lost. I sit in the row behind them, since it's empty. "Hey!" greets Daphne me and introduces me to the twins. She was right, they are really nice. One of them turns to me, "I really don't want to be rude, but there are sitting a few Gryffindors in that row. But the next row is free." I nod and move my stuff away. After that, the Gryffindors arrive along with some Slyhterins. Everyone takes a seat, but I can't spot Malfoy. Not that I am looking for him. Snape enters the room and everything goes quiet.
He starts without a good morning, "Today we will be doi-" As he starts, he gets cut off. Someone comes inside rushed and loudly.
"Morning," a male voice mumbles. It's Malfoy who Is too late.
"Take a seat," orders Snape.
"Move, that is mine," says Malfoy to a guy. It's a transfer, just like me. The guy is about to stand up.
Snape stops him, "Find a new seat, Mr. Malfoy." Malfoy looks around annoyed and sees that the only free seats are next to me. Even more annoyed he throws himself on a chair next to me.
"That's ridiculous," he mutters under his breath. He throws the books on the desk. The loud noise makes me flinch. "You're not as tough as you pretend."
"You know nothing about me," I talk back.
"Oh yeah?"
"Mr. Malfoy," Snape wants him to stop talking. I lean back and follow the lesson.

I walk out of class, and Daphne and I hurry through the corridor. We walk past the courtyard. "I have to go this way, see you later," she tells me. I search for the next class. Help, I am so lost. I am about to turn around a corner when I hear my name.
"Who?" I don't recognize this voice.
"This American girl!" Is this Malfoy's voice?
"You mean, Aliya Baker?" I stop to listen to this conversation.
"Yeah, I hate her." I smell smoke. Are they hiding there to smoke?
"What? You were totally into her when you saw her." What? Are you kidding me?
"No, I hate her so much." Wow, thanks Malfoy! How nice!
"Just give her a chan-"
"No, her presence makes me so angry!" They stop talking. I should go before they notice me and my presents makes Prince Malfoy mad.

I spend the rest of the day in the library. I sunk into the books I read before class this morning. I feel like they may give me answers to why my mother was killed. I wrote a letter to Dad to ask him about the investigations. His answer wasn't nice.

Selah, I don't know! I am not allowed to be a part of the investigations! They do everything they can! Just for once be patient and stop assuming things. I have worked only for a year in England and the case was so big and I was just a small part. Stop digging around and focus on school!

Yeah, I didn't answer that letter. He just wants to forget the whole thing and I feel like that is so unfair towards my mother. It doesn't hurt to look into it, right?

Draco's POV

There she sits again with a book from that section, just like this morning. What is she looking for? I slowly sneak into the section to look for the book she read this morning. She is so suspicious. She only hangs with Daphne and is always alone. Plus, now she has an obsession with the fall of Voldemort. I hate the fact I like to watch her and that I notice such things. "Voldemort's fall," I whisper to myself. I grab it and exit the library.

Is that her handwriting? She wrote the word "important" next to the mention of the consequences of the case for all involved. Why would she do that? Why do I even look into this? Why does this interest me? This stresses me. A cigarette would be nice now. I dig in my drawer for something to smoke to calm my nerves. Nothing. Theo has new ones.

Aliya's POV

I open my dorm door whilst I read the last paragraph of the page. I sit on my bed and lay down. But I don't lay on my mattress. Is that a book under my back? I get up and look around. Shit, this isn't my dorm. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where am I? I look back at the bed. I know that page. Is that the book from this morning? Voldemort's fall or something like this. I pull it closer. The open page has an annotation. It's mine. I wrote important on the page. Someone commented under it. "Why?" Who wrote this?
"What the hell are you doing in here?" I jump at a voice. It's Malfoy. Is this Malfoy's dorm? Oh fuck. "Give that to me!" He snaps the book out of my hands.
"Did you write the 'why?'" I ask.
"No. I asked you a question!" He is really angry. He smells like weed. Is he high?
"Sorry, I- I must ha-have taken a wrong turn. I guess we have the same room number. Seven?" I stutter. His jaw clenches.
"Get the fuck out, you cunt." I hold my hands up like he had a gun. I take a look at the dorm before I leave. The open messy drawer catches my attention. There is a picture. I lower my hands and pull out the picture. Is that my father? He looks so young. "Give me that!" He takes the picture quickly.
"Are you stalking me?" I look at him shocked and confused.
"No!" He shouts at me.
"Well, well, you just got way more interesting, Malfoy," I giggle and exit the room. I encounter Pansy in the hallway. She saw me leaving Draco's dorm.
I hear them arguing, "What was she doing here?"
"I don't know!"
"You lair! Are you fucking her?" What the hell? I stop to hear the rest of the conversation.
"Are you stupid? No! Hell no!"
"I see how you look at her!"
"Get out! I won't let you blame me like that!" I turn to see him pushing Pansy into the hallway and shutting the door behind her loudly. She stands there crying. And I am pathetic?

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