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Aliya's POV
Hogwarts - November 1996

Holy Shit. I am drunk. Like fucked up. I sit on the toilet and stare at Daphne. "Bro, you are crazy drunk!" She laughs at me.
"I know!" I laugh back.
"Come on, I need to pee too." We switch places and I lean against the bathroom stall. I watch the flickering lamp at the ceiling.
"You think I should make out with Nott?" I ask Daphne.
"What? Why?"
"Why not?" I giggle.
"He is an ass!"
"A hot one," I add.
"Gotta agree with you there. But no, just don't do it."
We stumble back to the room of requirement. The music is so loud. There is no way the Professors don't notice this. I hope they don't shut this party down because it is amazing. We are about to enter, but next to the door are standing two people who catch my eye.
"Is that Adrian?" I whisper to Daphne.
"Holy shit! With Snape!"
"Aliya Baker, would you come with us?" Snape takes a step toward me. I nod confused and start to follow them. I leave Daphne behind and we enter an empty and quiet classroom. "Did you send Adrian to the forest?"
"You! You sent me a letter and told me to wait for you in the forest! I was kidnapped by some creepy animals!"
"They were Centaurs, Mr. Pucey. What did you even learn in the past years?" I laugh at that comment, but I am the only one that laughs. I try to stop quickly again, but I can't take them seriously.
"I did...not do that," I try to defend myself, but I am so fucked up.
"Proof it!" Yells Adrian at me. God, this boy is traumatized.
"Give me Veritaserum," I command.
"We are not all to use it on students for this-" Explains Snape.
"I don't care, just give me that and ask me the question again." Snape makes us promise no one would find out about this and we follow him to get Veritaserum.

"Did you send Mr. Pucey the letter?" Asks Snape again.
"No," I blurt out. This shit works really well.
"Did you know about this?"
"What? This is not possible!" Protests Adrian.
"You are free to go," tells me Snape. I thank him and listen to them arguing about this thing. I know it was Malfoy. I hate him for giving me a bad name. Where the fuck is he?

I find him smoking weed alone outside. I walk up to him, but make sure no one is watching us. "What the fuck Malfoy?" I yell. He looks at me with his red eyes puzzled. "Adrian is back! Why did you write that letter in my name?"
"Oh, that! Funny, right? You got detention?"
"No, I took Veritaserum to proof my innocence." Fuck, why did I say that?
"Uh, exciting, now you will finally tell me all your secrets," he starts, but I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth.
"If you ask me a single thing, I will go back to Snape and tell him it was you. Then you will clean the whole school with a toothbrush," I threaten him. He laughs at me. "Hell, you are so full of yourself, Malfoy!"
"What are you going to do about it?" He mocks me. I ignore him.
"How long is this taking hold?" I slowly take my hand from his face.
"You just sleep it out," he explains.
"Okay, now I will go to bed, good night." I hurry off.
"Should I walk you?" He shouts behind me.
"I am not a child! I may be drunk, but I know where my room is, Malfoy!"

Draco's POV

She didn't know where her room was. She took a wrong turn again and ended up in my room. I didn't lock it on purpose, I mean there isn't anything crazy expensive in there and I lost the keys multiple times when I was drunk. I just leave it open now. Aliya is dead asleep in my bed. Guess I'll be taking the floor.

I wake up to a loud knock on the door. The girl on my bed jumps up too. "What are you doing here?" She mumbles. She is still so sleepy.
"This is my room," I answer.
"Shit." Someone is literally banging at my door. I get up, just like her. Now I notice that she is wearing my shirt. She looks down at herself and mutters another "shit" under her breath. She tries to find a place to hide. But the banging gets louder. She collects her stuff and wants to leave, but I push her away from the door. She falls against the wall next to her door.
"Keep quiet," I whisper. I put my hand over her mouth and open the door with my other hand.
"Why did you just leave without saying goodbye?" Pansy is standing in front of me. Her arms are crossed and she waits impatiently for an answer. I look to my right again and see Aliya and how her eyes are shut. She is probably praying that Pansy doesn't come in. "Hey! Is there someone with you?"
"No," I answer quickly.
"Yes, who is there?" She yells.
"Bothering Malfoy again, Parkinson?" Theo walks down the corridor. "Your favorite hobby, right?" Pansy turns around to talk back to him. That's my chance to close the door. I shut and release Aliya. She gasps for air.
"Shit, does the Veritaserum still work? Ask me something," she demands.
"Were you drunk yesterday?"
"No," she lies happily. "Amazing!"
"Good, now leave."
"I can't go out there, they'll see me," she says.
"Do I look like I care?" I try to remain calm. I want them to see her, to piss off Pansy.
"You are a horrible person, you know? I am keeping this." She points at the shirt she is wearing.
"I get that a lot," I fall back on my bed.
"No- you don't understand! First, you hate me for no reason and stalk me-"
"I wasn't stalking you!"
"Yes, you were! Then you help me and defend me, even though I didn't ask for it! And now, you put my name under a letter and get a guy kidnapped!"
"You come here and think you are so amazing. You basically beg for attention! You are keeping secrets from everyone, but no one sees it, because all they see is the perfect American princess!"
"Why do you care?" She walks closer to me. "Tell me Malfoy. Do you care about me?"
"I don't care about you, Baker."
"I don't believe you." She just leaves. She shuts the door with a loud bang. God, I hate that she is right.


Aliya's POV
Hogwarts - December 1996

Dad didn't write me back again.
I read my last diary entry over and over again. I started doing this since Daphne was less around and I was left alone with my feelings. I am alone now too and I admit I am fucking scared. I feel like I am going insane. Especially in my dreams. My father ignored me for the past months, I even asked myself if he is still alive. Maybe I will come home at Christmas to a dead person. That would be crazy. It isn't really my home though. Boston is my home. The apartment was my home. Dad said the new house is his "dream home" but I know it's a lie. Our huge apartment in Boston where we lived like a family was his dream home. I miss it so fucking much. I can't cry again. I cried so much today because I am scared to go back to dad. Or maybe I will never return home, to my true home. I feel like my pain is visible by now. Even Malfoy stopped bullying me and that was a surprise. I finally decide to get up and go to class. I am running late again, I already skipped breakfast. I feel so shitty today, maybe it's because of my empty stomach or my cramps. I am too tired to care anyway.

"Turn to page 90," commands Snape. No good morning. Again. I slowly open the book.
"Can we share? I forgot mine," whispers Malfoy.
"Wow, how nice you are today," I blurt out and put the book in the middle of the table. "Your ring is nice," I whisper. Snape tells us to read and do the tasks he writes on the blackboard. I try to stay awake while reading. My eyes keep falling shut. Shit. I need to stay awake. I feel myself sinking slightly. I try to support my head with my arm.
"All-nighter?" Asks Malfoy.
"Stop acting like you care," I snap back. I grab my pen and turn away from him a little. I struggle to read the letters in front. I manage to write down the date, but my hand is so shaky. I go back to reading the book. I rest my head on something before I pass out to sleep. My head moves because something under it moves. I rest on Malfoy's shoulder and he tries to keep me awake by moving.
"Professor, she isn't feeling well, I think she needs to go to the hospital wing," he suddenly says out loud. Is he talking about me?
"No, I am fine." I collect myself.
"Bring her there, Mr. Malfoy," says Snape, he ignores me completely and doesn't even bother to look up at me. I feel shame while I follow Draco out of the classroom.
"Why did you do that?"
"What? You fell asleep on my shoulder! I saved you and me from detention and class now," he explains.
"Fuck you," I mumble. I stumble to the next bench. "Where are we?" I ask as I sit down.
"Still in the dungeons," he answers.
"Get me to my room, now," I command and he obeys.

I basically fall into the door. "You can leave now, Malfoy." I grab the door handle to the bathroom and open it. I feel like I need to throw up.
"You sure?"
"Why do you care? No one cares! Why do you?" I shout at him and he steps inside my dorm to close the door.
"I don't," he denies. I throw myself on the bathroom floor and sit next to the toilet.
"Stop lying." I look into his eyes. We hold eye contact for a second, but he luckily breaks to open the toilet for me. I throw up and I feel so fucking dizzy. He holds my hair. At least I think he does, but I am not fully aware of my surroundings.
"You aren't just missing sleep, right?" He says as I spit the rest in the toilet and flush it.
"Have you eaten today?" I shake my head. "Anything else you want to confess about your well-being?"
"Mind your business," I snap.
"I literally sit here on the bathroom floor with you and hold your hair while you throw up. You are such a bitch."
"I know," I grin at him, but I decide to give in, "I am on my period and I haven't slept in the last 36 hours, I guess. But the throwing up is normal."
"How the hell is this normal?"
"Period," I answer trying to stand up.
"Let me help you," he offers me a hand.
"I am fine." I am not fine. I almost sink back to the ground again, but he catches me.
"You are not."
"I know."

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