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Selah's POV
Hogwarts - February 1997

"I heard it! Oh my god! Are you okay?" Daphne rushes towards me as I enter the common room.
"I'm fine, but we need to talk."

"...so, nice to meet you, I am Selah." I hold out my hand. Daphne raises her eyebrow. I told her everything, every little detail which she didn't already read in my diary.
"Wait, are you going back to America now?" She asks. Honesty, I haven't thought about it. It feels right if I'd stay here.
"I don't think so," I mumble. Daphne jumps up and hugs me excitedly.
She pulls away, "But really? Malfoy? You could have done better!" I laugh at her comment. I love her so much, she's a real friend.
"Speaking of Malfoy, I'll catch you later," I tell her and hurry towards the boy's dorms.

I don't knock, I just push the door open. Draco stands in the middle of the room, caught off guard as I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. "I think we should make this official, don't you?"
"Oh, yeah? You came with such a bad intention, you sure I want this?" He teases me.
"I am more than you ever wanted," I whisper and smile into the next kiss he places on my lips.
"I still hate you," he mumbles against my lips.
"I know," I whisper.

The End.

BAD INTENTIONS - [D.M.]Where stories live. Discover now