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Aliya's POV
Hogwarts - October 1996

"So you are going?"
"We will meet in the courtyard before the party and then I will tell him that we will never be a thing," I answer Daphne.
"And then you are coming to the Hufflepuff common room to the party?" She asks. I nod. "That's a good plan." I know because I made it. Adrian is nice, yes, but he isn't exactly my type. The vibe was just off in the three broomsticks. "You will finally meet Cedric tonight," adds Daphne.
"I am excited about that, honestly," I tell her.

"Hey, Adrian," I greet him with a hug.
"Hey." I have a feeling he knows what's about to come and I was right. "I know what you are going to say, you don't feel like this could work right?" I nod.
"It's fine," he answers coldly, "see you later." He just walks off. What the hell? He just went inside and let me stand here alone. How rude. Good thing I told him no.

I enter the room, I think this party is supposed to be chill. Not like the others Daphne and I went to. I start looking for Daphne and I finally find her snuggled up with Cedric on a couch. I shouldn't interrupt this. I decide to get myself a drink and wait for Daphne to find me. I see some guys playing beer pong on the other side of the room. I believe that is one of the Patil twins so I go over to them. I start chatting with her a little, but pretty soon a guy starts to talk to me. It's Fred or George Weasley. I can't remember who is who. We had an amazing talk, he's really funny and he complimented me multiple times, but we get interrupted by Daphne. "Hey, we wanna play truth or dare, you down?"
"Of course," I tell her and we go over to the couches. I sit down and to my surprise, the twin sits down next to me. His arm rests on the backrest behind me. I lean into him a little. I feel eyes on us, yes, but his eyes were the strongest. Malfoy glances at me from the other side of the room. I am surprised he is even here. I look back at him, but he looks away. I follow his gaze. He laughs at Adrian who looks mad as he spots me. Adrian leaves the room, but Malfoy leans back and keeps watching me.
"What is he looking at?" Asks the guy I am leaning into.
I shrug, "No idea."
"Who wants to start?"

I don't know everyone in this circle. That's why I lie at every truth they ask me. I am afraid of dares so I won't do them. Sooner or later this game gets super boring. I feel like I am not the only one to think so. "Wanna spice this up?" Says the other Weasley twin. I still can't tell who is who. I see the others in the round nodding, even Hermione Granger. I thought she was lame and stuffy. They pass a vial around.
"What is this?" I whisper to Daphne.
"Veritaserum." Okay, it's time for me to go.
"Hey, I don't feel good, I will go to the bathroom," I lie to her. She offers to come with me, but I decline. I hurry off. That was obvious. I know it was. I hope no one suspects anything. Till now no one asked me about my mother or my family and America in general. It makes me so sad and mad at the same time. I walk through the quiet corridors. Should I just leave now? I mean I could. I would tell her in the morning that I threw up and went to bed. I would lie to her. Again. I can't even put my feeling toward this situation in words. The fact that I can't grieve about my mother makes me angry. The fact that I live in constant fear because I just lie to everyone makes me so mad. And the fact that my father does nothing about this whole thing drives me insane.
I sit on a sill. I feel how my feelings take over. I can't let this happen. I can't cry. I can't. No one should know I am this weak. I wipe a tear away. As hard as I try to not cry, more tears stream down my face. I bury my wet face in my hand. I try to cry silently. A few quiet snobs escape my mouth.
"You are so weak," a voice echoes through the corridor. My head shoots up. I face Malfoy. Why does he follow me? I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I try to wipe the tears away, but he probably noticed them. "What are you hiding?" This again.
"Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" I shout at him. My voice cracks during the sentence. I get up and leave. I don't look back, but I don't think he follows me. I turn right around the next corner and bump into someone.
"Oh, Aliya. I missed you," whispers Adrian.
"Are you high?" His eyes are so red.
"A little," he admits. "Come on, follow me."
"Where are you going?" I ask as he grabs my wrist and drags me behind him.
"You know, it's rude to give someone hope and then just dump them to hang out with another guy."
"I didn't give you hope-"
"You did, love." He pushes the door to a classroom open and pulls me inside. He locks the door.
"What are you doing?" I ask him. He comes closer and pulls at the straps of my top and my bra. "Stop." I back up, but he keeps coming closer. "Get away from me!"
"Silencio." Shit. "That's what you deserve for being such a slut." He grabs my wrists together in one hand and his other hand squeezes my thigh. Really hard. I try to scream. No one hears me. He starts to kiss my neck. This is it. I am about to be raped. I keep moving. "Stop moving or it'll hurt," he warns me. I don't listen. I just want to get out. He squeezes my thigh even harder. I feel his fingernails digging into my skin. If he doesn't stop now, I will bleed. I used to do this to myself when I got bad grades. I was always so mad at myself. I keep moving still hoping he would stop. His hand stops squeezing my thigh but is now around my throat. I can't breathe. He pushes me against the wall and whilst he tells me again to not move his grip around my wrist loosens. This is my chance. I free my hands and grab with both hands his head. I smash it against the wall next to my head. He stumbles back and needs to lean against a table to not fall. I take a deep breath. My shaky hands try to open the door. Fuck, I need to get out of here before he collects himself. I finally get it open and I just run. I sprint the way back we came from. I look back to make sure he doesn't follow me. I keep running. I need to be unmuted again.

Draco's POV

I sit down on the sill she just sat at. Honestly, I feel bad. Why did I even ask again? Why does she interest me that much? I hate myself for all that. I take a deep breath and rest my head against the window. I feel like I am just as mad as my father. The corridors are quiet, but I suddenly feel a hand on my knee. I open my eyes and stare into Aliya's big brown eyes. She is talking, but she doesn't make a sound. Her hair is messy and her top is half off. Her mascara and her lipstick are smudged. What happened to her? Is she okay? I take another deep breath to realize what I just thought. I care about her well-being. Shit! That can't happen. She snaps in front of my face. "Are you muted?" I ask. She nods nervously. She keeps looking around. "Surgito," I mumble. She is gasping for air loudly now.
"Thank you, Malfoy! I owe you something!" She is about to run away again, but I stop her.
"Are you okay?"
"Like you care," she laughs nervously. She keeps looking around. "Just let me go, please." She whispers and her poker face slowly drops. Tears appear in her eyes. Her throat is bruised. I look her up and down and her that she is bleeding. Her thigh has deep scratches. They bleed over her skirt and her whole leg.
"Who did this to you?"
"It- it doesn't matter," her voice cracks as she tries not to cry. On the other end of the corridor appears a voice. She jumps at it and I wait for a person to show up, but I see a cat first. Shit. I stand up and pull her into the nearest room I can find. The small cabinet is filled with brooms. She stumbles into it and I close the door behind her. Aliya trips over a broom, but before she falls and makes a loud noise, I can catch her. My arm is around her waist and my other hand is over her mouth. If she makes one more noise, I'll kill her. I try to see through a small gap in the wooden door. I recognize Adrian who just got caught by Filch. They argue. Adrian looks like he got into a fight. Aliya's eyes are closed. She squeezes them hard. Is she afraid of me? Wait. That's why she looked back.
"He did this to you?" I mutter under my breath. Her eyes open widely. "Adrian, did he do this to you?" I move my hand away from her mouth and look at her throat. She slightly lifts her chin. "Answer me, Alyia," I command. She just nods while tears stream down her face again. She holds her breath to not make a sound. I peek through the gap again. Filch and Adrian leave in another direction. We wait for another minute to make sure we are alone.
"What did he do to you?" I ask her as we step into the corridor again. The blood streamed down her whole leg and she tries to cover her throat with her hair. She remains quiet. "Did he rape you?" She holds her breath again but says nothing. "Did he try to?" Now she looks into my eyes. I'll take that as a yes. "I'll kill him."

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