Not at my Expense!

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*All Might's office*

"And that's all the information we have on right now," All Might said as he closed the notebook and placed it on the table in front of him. "The holders before the fifth didn't have anything publicly available on them, so we will just have to wing it when their quirks finally show up." 

Izuku nodded. Then he picked up the book from the table and glanced through the information that his mentor had collected over the last few days. 

"Ha! Float and Smokescreen, what a bunch of useless quirks," Bakugo remarked, "I can replicate those with my one quirk alone."

Izuku stopped reading and again took a deep breath to calm himself. Once again Kacchan took something very important information and twisted it to make himself look better than him.

"This was useless," Bakugo stood up from his seat and started walking towards the door, "the only thing I got from this meeting was that Deku is going to get a bunch of useless quirks," then he stopped and pointed at Izuku, "but that doesn't mean shit because I am always going to better than him no matter how many stupid quirks he gets."

"Young Bakugo, calm down," All Might said, "if you kept acting like that it won't help young Midoriya at all."

"Tsk," Bakugo clicked his tongue, "I am not here to help that nerd. I am here to know what to expect when we are going against each other," he said and left the room.

"Young Bakugo gets really worked up over little things," All Might sighed and looked at his successor who was looking at the sunset with a distant look in his eyes, "Young Midroiya-"

"Can we stop including him in these meetings?" Izuku asked while still staring at the sunset.

"What!?" All Might asked with wide eyes, "but I thought it helped you to relax knowing that you have your childhood friend to share your secret with."

"Do you really think having him here is helping me relax?" Izuku asked as started at All Might, who noticed a distant look in his successor's eyes. "him constantly flaunting his superiority. Insulting past users and their quirks. Insulting me on every little thing he could. Telling me I am not worth anything even with your quirk," Izuku frowned, "no All Might, in fact, none of this makes me feel at ease or relaxed," he added the last part with a sarcastic undertone to it.

"I think you should calm down young Midoriya," All Might placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder, "you know young Bakugo didn't mean any of that. He just doesn't know how to express himself without throwing an insult or two around. Which I know is not a good thing but he is trying to improve himself and suddenly stopping him from coming to these meetings will be counterproductive to that."

All Might tried to subdue the situation but unfortunately for him, it immediately backfired when he heard Izuku let out a humorless laugh.

"See, this is what I am talking about," Izuku said as tears started to form in his eyes, "in that entire explanation, not even once you considered how I might be feeling right now. It's all about Kacchan and his development, right?"

"It's not what-"

"Don't worry All Might, I am not blaming you or anything because it's always been like that," Izuku clenched his fist and stared at the ground, "from our pre-school to our middle school to even here at U.A. Everyone always prioritize Bakugo's development over everyone else, especially me because why would they ever care about a useless Deku like me."

The droplets of tears fell onto the carpet. "Aizawa gave us so much shit in the name of being rational and whatnot, but he doesn't give a damn when Bakugo uses his quirk in class or on my desk. He can't even bat an eye when Bakugo harasses me in class, but when I or anyone else steps out of line, we're immediately on the chopping block."

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