Chapter 2

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"Thank you for all of your help y/n, we people of Naboo are indebted to you"

"Don't worry about it i'm glad i was able to help aid  your people, and help a friend more importantly" y/n kindly smiled to the young senator before her.

Y/n had just concluded one of her missions on Naboo, a planet she had often visited on missions the past few years as a padawan.

"Hopefully it won't be too long before i see you again. I always miss you when your gone."

"Yes, i'm sure we'll see each other again sometime. The only thing i stress to you is please stay safe, Padme." y/n sternly spoke while expressing her concern toward the senator.

"Don't worry i'll be fine y/n" The brunette reassured.

"You can't avoid this building danger surrounding you forever. Times are changing and i can sense tension rising, i just don't want anything bad to happen."

And with that said the two friends said their goodbyes and parted ways as y/n returned to her ship to join her master.

"Your late my padawan." Shaak Ti sighed.

"yeah, sorry about that master." The girl dismissed quickly.

Without a doubt y/n had grown to become a strong jedi, able to manage herself pretty well. She respected and valued her master, Shaak Ti, always looking up towards the powerful but gentle spirited woman.

Her master over the years had struggled to confine the young padawan to the rules. One issue y/n faced from time to time was letting her emotions consume her decisions. This passionate personality often led to reckless choices when she was younger.

Overall, y/n had a personality that was hard to suppress in order to align with the expected attitude of the jedi.

Quite often she would bend the rules to her liking and was very good for seeing the wider picture. In this sense, she was not easily fooled (despite the misleading recklessness from time to time).

Shaak Ti believed she had managed to suppress y/n's strong emotions- as she was fearful it could create issues further down the line. In reality she never really changed but instead was able to find more subtle ways of carrying things out her way.

Once her mind was set on something, it was often close to impossible to convince her otherwise. Stubborn was an understatement.


*a month later*

Abruptly, the doors to the jedi council room were ungracefully swung open- revealing an unimpressed y/n.

"Your better have a good reason for interrupting, y/n." Mace sternly scowled, not so pleased by the dramatic entrance.

"Oh i have a good reason...Now when were you going to tell me that there are assassins after Senator Padmé?"

She inquired as she looked around the room, staring at all the seated masters one by one. She proved not to be intimidated by their authority one bit.

"This situation is confidential and simply doesn't concern you, padawan." Kid-Adi-Mundi bluntly replied.

"It concerns me when my friend's life is at serious risk." y/n persuades not wanting to back down and be undermined.

"Careful you must be, Padawan. Strong emotions for you friend, blind you they can."

To which y/n bit the inside of her cheek, attempting to hold back her frustration. They continued to treat her like a child, not like an 18 year old adult.

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