My heart is buried in Venice. (1)

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[[Dr Kleiner's lab]]

(Important note: Gordon isn't mute in this. He just doesn't like talking that much.)
(Also Gordon is wearing the citizen uniform in this, not the HEV suit 🤠)

Gordon slammed his head onto the desk, groaning loudly as he attempted to have any motivation whatsoever to get something done. He had so much work to do. A couple down the street from Kleiner's lab had adopted a bluebird and apparently wanted to name it Freeman, so he had to sign consent forms for that.

He dragged his head away from the surface of the desk and stared at the small words on the page beneath. He desperately squinted at the paper but it did nothing so he just shoved his head in his arms that were resting in the table.

Suddenly he heard a small click as the door unlocked. He guessed it was just Dr Kleiner or Alyx coming back, so he just waved slightly. Not bothering to look.

"Hey doc you uh- you doin' alright?"

Gordon lifted his head, staring at the guard who had just entered. Even if his voice was muffled he could still tell who it was.

The guard took off the helmet, revealing the face of Barney Calhoun. Gordon smiled faintly at him. However Barney looked a bit concerned.

"So- are ya alright or not?"
Barney walked over to beside Gordon, setting his helmet down on the desk and putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Gordon gave a thumbs up

"...I'd be happy to believe ya if it weren't for the rings around your eyes."

Gordon sighed, shrugging slightly and looking away

"C'mon doc, you gotta get some rest."

"I'm not... I'm not tired."
Gordon said tiredly.

"Mhm sure."
"What's it gonna take to get you to sleep man? Want me to sing you a lullabye or something" He joked

Gordon shrugged again
"I mean If you want"

"Wait what."

"I'm kidding--"

"OH- ok cause I thought for a second there-"
"Y'know what nevermind-"

Gordon smiled warmly at his friend

"But still, you gots'a go to bed!"

Gordon rolled his eyes, not wanting to get the classical "GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP" lecture from Barney

Barney grabbed onto the back of the desk chair Gordon was sitting on, rolling it over to a couch and pushing it forward so Gordon fell onto the sofa.

He pushed the chair away and put his hands on his own hips, smiling confidently at Gordon.

"Touché." Gordon said lightly, adjusting himself so he was more comfortably sitting on the couch, Barney came over and sat down beside him.

Gordon leaned his head on Barney's shoulder. Not saying anything but smiling. He eventually relaxed and it felt like all the stress and pressure that had been building up over the past few days just disappeared into thin air.

"G'night Gordon"
Were the last words Gordon heard before he drifted off peacefully to sleep.

After Barney was sure that Gordon was asleep, he gently adjusted himself so he was leaning his own back against the armrest of the sofa with Gordon's head on his chest. He smiled at his friend, his face being a warm shade of pink as he fell asleep.

The two slept peacefully, enjoying eachothers company and warmth.

F I N .

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Give me your honest opinions'n stuff
Also I take requests so uhm yeah 🧍

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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