{ TWO }

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--------------------------------------------------------------  Once on the train they were once again met with mags

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Once on the train they were once again met with mags. She only smiled at the two and walked away to her room.
"Finn can we talk?" Reina asked him.
"Of course.Let's go to your room." The two headed to Reina's room,It still looked the same as it did in her games.
"I'm sorry.I- I couldn't come back.." Reina started.   "snow..He forced me too stay in the mansion.He sold my body...ever since I won my games." Reina had slight tears falling out of her eyes.Finnick pulled the younger into a hug,letting her cry into his chest. She pulled away and wiped her tears. She sniffed
"It's okay,I'll be okay." She told herself.
"No it's not okay.I knew something was wrong when you didn't come home..." Reina have a weak smile.
"Are you tired rei?" The elder asked her.Reina shook her head yes.She made her way to her bed and laid down.Finnick bent over and kissed her forehead.
"Have a nice nap Rei." He said about too walk out.
"Finn-" Reina caught his attention as he turned back around to face her. "Can you stay..?" She questioned.
"Yea..Yea of course." Finnick said walking to her bed and laying next to her.She moved her head onto his chest as he played with her hair.He knew she liked when people played with her hair, he knew a lot about her. But he also didn't know a lot about the new Reina,The usually heartless one,the girl who 'lost her humanity',but who only had a soft spot for her loved ones.
  Reina woke up too Finnick's arms around her wais,making her unable to get up on her ownNeither realized how long they had slept until they both walked out of their room and was met with mags and a strange looking woman. She looked like she was straight out of the Capitol.she had on a white wig,a white dress,and elaborate makeup.
  "Why hello Finnick and Reina.We're about to arrive in the Capitol." The two nodded at her,But Reina decided to ask her something.
"I'm sorry but..who are you?" She asked the women.
"Ivanna! I'm here to watch over mags!" She said in a preppy tone,Reina nodded and turned to the kitchen. She made a coffee but couldn't find the creamer.
"Hey does anyone know where the-" she turned around into Finnick's chest as he reached over her and grabbed the creamer from the back of the shelf.
"Here." He says handing it too her.Her face was so obviously red that he chuckled seeing the redness.
"Thanks.." she said in a low tone while rolling her eyes. She finished making her coffee and went too sit on the couch. Finnick followed her over to the couch and sat right next to her. He pretended to stretch and out his arm around her.
" wow so original." Reina said giggling  as she looked up at him. He looked down at her and gave the his signature grin. She rolled her eyes and watched the television. They were watching the 74th hunger games, Katniss and Peeta's win. Reina knew the two's names well,too well.
   Sometimes in the Capitol she would hear chatter about the 'problem victors' of the 74th games. Two people had won the games. Reina didn't understand why they would die for love.. yes if it came down too her and her brother she would let him of the win,but that's different. They were young too..Both only being 16.
  "Children! We have arrived!" Ivanna yelled out for the two.
  "We'll,that's our que." Finnick said chuckling. The two got up and went over too the train doors,They were met with a big crowd of Capitol citizens. Waving, cheering, and  Drooling over Finnick. However they weren't looking at Finnick, they were looking down. Reina hadn't even realized it. Finnick had intertwined their hands without her noticing.
  "Damn you Finn." She whispered turning her head to him. He smirked at her. They followed Mags and Ivanna too the living quarters.
  "Now,the tribute parade is tonight,as always.But you have a few hours until time to get dressed." Ivanna commented while getting inside the elevator.
Reina looked out the clear elevator and watched the floors fly by. Realizing they were at their floor,She turned around and walked out with the group.



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