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--------------------------------------------------------------  Reina sat there in the cell

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  Reina sat there in the cell. Johanna woke up pretty soon after that.
" Johanna!" She whisper yelled when she noticed the other had woken up.
" where are we?" Johanna asked the girl.
" the Capitol." Reina said in a stone cold tone of voice
" Good morning ladies. " a tall peacekeeper walked into the room. " Looks like You," he points at Reina " have a meeting with the boss." He finished. The peacekeeper opened the door and escorted Reina to president snow's office.
" Oh Reina.." president Snow said while the girl was brought too a seat across from him. " Now ms Winters we have something's to discuss. Like.. We're you in on the plan?" Reina's face didn't change but her heart sure did drop.
" What plan?" She asked. She tried to sound confused but she was worried.
" you know what.. Let's get you dolled up and on live." Reina shook her head up and down wearily, the peacekeepers took her too a room with a mirror and a chair. Someone walks in the room, yet doesn't say anything. They just get too work on Reina's hair and face. It was a female, white long hair, white contacts in her eyes, dressed in black, she looked sad.. why? Reina had minimal makeup on and the lady had cut her hair short.
" Here." It's all the women said while handing her a white dress. Reina slides off the patient uniform they had put her in and put on the white dress. Once she walked out of the door a peacekeeper brought her too a very fancy office where Cesar Flickermen was waiting for her.
" Sit here." The peacekeeper told her.
" Now Reina you are going to answer my questions truthfully, this is going too stream to all the districts. And hopefully too wherever your friends have disappeared too." Cesar told her, all she did was nod.
  Truthfully, she didn't want to talk. Truthfully she wanted to be with Coyro and Finnick.
" Hello everybody, I'm Cesar flickermen. Today I have met with someone very special to tell us what really happened in the quarter quell. Today I have the beautiful Reina Winters with me today. How are you Reina?"
" Confused really.." she replied, " I truly don't know what happened in the games."
" We'll supposedly there was a rebel plan in action.. do you know anything about that?" He asked the girl.
" A rebel plan? I assure you I didn't know about any type of plan." She said, she controlled her voice well.
" Well Reina did you know that Katniss Everdeen actually tore down the arena barrier?"
" Oh." Is all she said. She thought Beetee did it..
" I fear that's all we have for today. Thank you and goodnight." Cesar said, he sighed after. The peacekeepers too the girl too a room, white walls, white floors and a single hospital bed. The peacekeepers forced Reina to lay on the bed while they put her arms and legs in restraints.
She resisted as much as she could, until they sedated her.
" Finnick?" She spoke. There was a boy in the distance, he was standing knee deep in the water. The boy turned around too meet eyes with the girl, his strawberry blonde hair covered in the light of the setting Sun. His sea green eyes looked at her as he grinned, The blonde haired girl walked towards the boy. Until they were almost touching,
" Happy 13th birthday Reina." He said raising his hand too show a small box. The boy opened the box to reveal a necklace with a single pearl on it. She smiled at him, he knew she loved the way pearls looked. He took the necklace out of the box and clipped the necklace around Reina's neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck and set her chin on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. This was the exact moment, that Reina knew she loved him.
" Thank you Finn." She whispered in his ear.
  Suddenly he started fading away.. she screamed out his name until she opened her eyes. It was just a dream, she was still in the Capitol.


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