Meeting him "again"

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Kylie's point of view

I was pondering at the thought of me liking Rob. Do I really like Rob? He just another bad boy and he barely knows who I am. I mean ya,we knew each other when we were little,but we didnt really talk. And I'm trying to focus on my studies,here. And Rob's just a waste of my time. Ya that's a good thought , Rob IS a waste of my time. A bump brought me back to reality . It was Rob , how convenient. "oh. Sorry there didnt mean to bump into you" Rob said with a smirk on hiis face. He always thought he was smooth , but lets be honest he was very smooth. But I can't play along with his little games , I can't let his beauty distract me from my four years . "it's alright just don't do it again" I said in a snobby remark. He just walked away, I felt bad for being hard on him but he needs to understand that I'm not going through with this. As I was in class, bored out of my mind with mathematics. I was thinking of a plan to get away from Rob. "Kylie what is the answer to question 30" my teacher scolded at me. "umm sorry I wasn't really paying attention." I heard the rich girls giggling at me, I gave them a side glare. " I know you weren't ,that's why I picked you,so you could pay attention." I sat there feeling stupid. I told myself I need to focus on my four years instead of Rob. As the bell rang and I was rushing out of class, I heard the snobby girls giggling at me.

My friend Sabrina helped me with this chapter! Thanks Sabrina!!!

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