Chapter 10 Lovers fight

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Caera POV:

I focus on my breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly as I stand in front of the mirror. I adjust my armor, making sure every piece is secured in its place. Today is going to be a challenging day. I can feel it in my bones.

As I exit my quarters, I see Varay and Aya waiting for me outside. Varay nods at me, and Aya gives me a sly smile. I can't help but roll my eyes. Aya always tries to flirt with Arthur, even though she knows that we are in a  relationship. I try to ignore her advances as I walk towards them.

"Good morning, Caera," Varay says with a slight bow.

"Morning, Varay. Aya," I greet them with a nod.

"Are you ready for our spar?" Aya asks, batting her eyelashes.

I take a deep breath and try to push my jealousy aside. "I'm ready. Let's go meet Arthur."

We walk towards the Three Lakes Fishing Outpost, where Arthur has arranged for us to have our spar. As we approach, I see Arthur standing there, his arms crossed and a small smile on his face.

"Good morning, my love," he says as he walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "Are you ready to spar?"

I nod, trying to hide my nervousness. Varay was powerfull and I didn't know what Aya was capable of.

"Good. Varay and Aya are ready, so let's get started," he says as he leads us to the sparring area.

We all take our places, and I draw my sword. I can feel my adrenaline pumping as we begin to circle each other.

"Remember, this is just a spar," Arthur reminds us. "No killing blows or serious injuries."

I nod, focusing on my opponents. Varay is a skilled fighter, and Aya is unpredictable. But I won't let them defeat me. Not today.

"Are you ready, Caera?" Varay asks, his cold voice sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm ready," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

Arthur waited a moment as we prepared to start the fight and said "Enough talking. Let's begin."

I stand ready, sword in hand, as Varay charges towards me. Her ice armor glistens in the sunlight, and I can feel the cold emanating from her magic. I dodge to the side, but she deflects my sword with ease using her ice magic. I try again, but she creates new shields and barriers, blocking my every move.

"You know, Varay, you seem to be enjoying this a little too much. Should I be worried that you're enjoying fighting me?" I ask, trying to provoke a reaction.

"Not at all, Caera. I simply appreciate a good challenge, and you are certainly that," Varay responds, her tone measured.

"Is that all it is? Or is it because you're secretly hoping to impress Arthur with your skills?" I shoot back, feeling a pang of jealousy in my chest.

"Impress Arthur? Don't be ridiculous. I have no interest in impressing anyone," she counters, her eyes never leaving mine.

Aya chimes in, her voice dripping with honey. "Oh, Caera, don't be so jealous. It's not attractive. You know, Arthur is quite taken with you. He thinks you're amazing."

"I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that you're always flirting with him and trying to get his attention," I retort, unable to mask the irritation in my voice.

"Flirting? Me? Oh, Caera, you really are too sensitive. I'm just being friendly," Aya replies, her playful tone grating on my nerves.

"Friendly? Is that what you call it when you tried to seduce him last time?" I shoot back, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.

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