Once in our Lives

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A love that's true...

Is there a love you can call that was true? All love is untrue even some are faked. Eventually when the spark is gone there's nothing left but pain and loneliness.

True love? That sucks! maybe not for me. There's no love that can be called True love. All the people who love are temporarily insane people living for a moment of delusions that's love can make them happy or love can change their lives. I hate the idea of people falling in love, in a slow or whirlwind romance. Love will fade. Love is untrue. Love is not forever.

Says who? Its me!!! AHN HYEJIN!!!!

Why? I just open my eyes and in every corner there's one person proving me that True love never exists and there will never be anyone who can change my perception about love.


Wheein and her group of classmates stares as Ssanghwajeom (Frozen flower) as what they branded her. She's been called a lot, Frozen flower, Ice Queen, Elsa so on and so forth.

Murmuring is obvious as she takes her seat in the far end at the back of the row near the window. She places her things in her compartment under her table and started to read the book again.

Wheein eyes never leave her sight. She's been all curious about her. Even though she wanted to ignore her every time her sight landed on the frigid and poker face of Ahn Hyejin there's this intuition of her that she's not what they are naming her.

Then suddenly Wheein gets flustered as Hyejin gaze meets her eyes. She gets frantic. Fright is evident in Wheein's face. Slowly she turns to the front to avoid Hyejin eyes. Scared that she'll get cursed as what her other classmates said.

"Is she a witch? How the hell her stares can be so scary." Wheein said inside her mind.

Wheein takes her notebook and pen out trying to do things casually but she can't help but feel her hand quivers. She tries to look at her again in swift glance but she only gets startled that she's still staring at her. Trying to be unaffected and not awkward of her gaze. She gets her book and tries to read. Focus herself on the book she's reading but hell she can still feel her stare darted to her back. It makes her uncomfortable. She gets easily startled when someone taps her on her shoulder. It's Byul.

"W-what???" Wheein flustered face as she looked at that someone but felt at ease as she recognized her friend. She can't help but clutch on her chest. Feeling relieved. Byul chuckle and nodge her arm. 

"Whee, what's the matter with you? Don't tell me you have a crush on her? Girl, I know you're a transferee here but for good advice and peaceful life here in the campus you better not associate with her. You'll only dig your way into hell. That girl is from Artic. I don't know if she's one from the Ice Age. Loner and cold. Oh I remember she's one of the cast in Ice Age."  Byul said whispering on her back.

" Who? The baby? The mammoth? The sloth? The lion?" Wheein asked in confusion as Byul kept shaking her head.

"Right! Diego the lion! He's cold and scary, he wants to eat and lure them all."

Wheein chuckled with her superficiality.

"Byul remember Diego saved them. You know what. Better read your books and take a review so you'll pass a quiz later if Prof Taeyeon surprises us again for a short quiz. Stop making up stories. She looks fine." Wheein once again glanced in Hyejin direction. Glad that the girl is occupied with her book. Her stares linger a little longer but abruptly she takes back as she sees her raise her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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