part 25

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Jungkook is returning to his mansion with immense anger in his nerves. He is gripping the steering wheel very tightly and driving almost high rate . His blood is boiling and just wanted to punish that person who make taehyung condition like that. He very well know someone purposely do that shitty thing to harm taehyung, he is a mafia king for something. And by the thought of taehyung in hurt increasing his darkness at another level.

Jungkook angerly parked his car and with long heavy steps he entered in his mansion. Guards get frightened by seeing him like this and they well very know his psycho side is come out.

Jungkook is clenching his fist that his knuckles turn white and his face is void of any emotion. He sit in living room with his hands joined on his knees and face looking down.

"I WANT ALL THE MAIDS IN LIVING ROOM NOW". Jungkook shouted angerly and within a second all of maids are in front of him. All the maids are trembling with fear and praying for their life if by accidentally they made a mistake this devil keep mercy on them.they didn't want to face devil worse.

" make. Breakfast.better.". Venom is dripping from jungkook voice and the way he spoke they felt like their souls left their bodies. All the maids are trembling like leaf and didn't now what to say.

" I SAID TELL ME NOW". jungkook suddenly shouted and they flinched very badly and one maid while crying slowly step ahead and with shuttering said," i- I m- made t-that dish but I swear to god i-i made it perfect and c-checked properly before serving. I didn't d-do anything s-sir, please s-spare me. P-please." She joined his hands and fell on her knees by seeking some mercy from this psycho devil. She is silently crying and did not dare to make her voice loud to make angry beast more angry then he already is.

Jungkook didn't say anything and just look at his hands while looking down . He can feel that this maid is saying truth and to conform that he took out his phone and saw CCTV footage because he fix cameras in his living room and all around his house except his room.

He play the footage of that time and his veins are popping out with anger when he saw that bitch who always tries to get close to him added spices in his baby dish. He gripped his phone tightly when he saw her shitty smirk . He didn't say anything before to her when she always tries to close with him because she didn't cross her line that time but now she did a sin.

She did a sin by making his angel suffer. She did a sin making taehyung cry. She did a sin by putting his angel in harm. She did a sin a FUCKING SIN. AND SINNER HAVE TO PUNISH BRUTALLY.

Jungkook did not say anything and with his demeanor eyes he slowly look at them.

His aura is making Everyone tremble. His gaze went toward that maid and saw her looking down smirking probably she is thinking

 His gaze went toward that maid and saw her looking down smirking probably she is thinking

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that she escaped from devil grip how poor of her. Nobody can go away from jungkook gaze.

Jungkook slowly walked toward them with his predator steps. He stand in front of that maid and with his one finger tell her to come out. That maid face went pale but nevertheless she slowly walk toward him but a sudden sounds heard and then following thud and crying sounds. Jungkook slapped her really hard that her lips got bruised and with a thud sound she fell down on jungkook feets.

psycho's beautiful angel ( Taekook) ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now