Pacifica (11)

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(Zim's POV)

The two twin humans were showing me,GIR ,the Dib human and Dib's sister thing around the town. It was honestly boring so far, the only eventful thing so far was when GIR tried to eat something called a 'fire hydrant',I sat back and watched as the humans struggled to pull the robot off of the fire hydrant thing. We were walking around a corner when someone bumped into me. "Ow watch where your going." The human girl says. "YOU SHOULD WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU FILTHY HUMAN!!" I yell at her. "FILTHY?!" She yells. Suddenly the girl twin stepped in between us. "Woah Zim calm down this is Pacifica, she's a friend." She tells me. I just roll my 'eyes' and cross my arms. "Mabel you know this kid?!" The Pacifica girl asks the girl twin. "Yea sorry about him Pacifica, he's not really that much of a people person. " she tells the other girl human. "Hey Pacifica right?" I hear the Dib Stink ask. "Yeah?" The Pacifica girl says. "Hi I'm Dib,it's nice to meet you. " the Dib human says. I noticed how the Pacifica human's face turns a little pink as she shakes the Dib's hand. A strange angry feeling began to stir in my squeedlyspooch as I watched her and the Dib begin talking.

(Pacifica's POV)

I was minding my own business walking down the sidewalk in town when all of a sudden a green kid bumps into me. After we yell at each other Mabel jumps in and stops us. After she apologizes for the kid's rudeness, a cute boy with glasses and black hair styled in a unique way walks over to me. He tells me his name is Dib and we started to talk. I couldn't help but blush as I talked to him.

(Also not shipping Pacifica with Dib,I'm only doing this to make the story more dramatic)

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